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J.A.E. ten Veldhuis

146 records found

The Delft Measures Rain Citizen-Science programme has been running for several years in the city of Delft, the Netherlands. Within this programme, interested citizens can apply to receive a low-cost Alecto WS5500 weather station, to measure local meteorological parameters in thei ...
Wind machines are increasingly used to mitigate spring frost damage in agricultural sectors. Complementing quasi-3D temperature measurements to quantify the warming effects of wind machines (Dai et al., 2023), this study develops a numerical model to quantify warming effects on a ...
Short-term fecal pollution events are a major challenge for managing microbial safety at recreational waters. Long turn-over times of current laboratory methods for analyzing fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) delay water quality assessments. Data-driven models have been shown to be ...
Climate variability poses great challenges to food security in West Africa, a region heavily dependent on rainfall for farming. Identifying sowing strategies that minimize yield losses for farmers in the region is crucial to securing their livelihood. In this paper, we investigat ...

Rethinking the Roughness Height

An Improved Description of Temperature Profiles over Short Vegetation

In this study, we present an extension to the Monin–Obukov similarity theory (MOST) for the roughness sublayer (RSL) over short vegetation. We test our theory using temperature measurements from fiber optic cables in an array-shaped set-up. This provides a high vertical measureme ...

Sensors in agriculture

Towards an Internet of Plants

To ensure a sustainable future and combat food scarcity, we must boost agricultural productivity, improve climate resilience and optimize resource usage. There is untapped potential for dense wireless sensor networks in agriculture that can increase yields and support resilient p ...
Plant roots are highly adaptable, but their adaptability is not included in crop and land surface models. They rely on a simplified representation of root growth, which is independent of soil moisture availability. Data of subsurface processes and interactions, needed for model s ...
Climate change is exacerbating adverse impacts of water stress in rainfed agriculture. This paper seeks to identify safe sowing windows for smallholder farmers in the Sudanian region of West Africa (WA). We hypothesize that the traditional focus on the onset of the season to star ...
Food and economic security in West Africa rely heavily on rainfed agriculture and are threatened by climate change and demographic growth. Accurate rainfall information is therefore crucial to tackling these challenges. Particularly, information about the occurrence and length of ...
Streamflow predictions remain a challenge for poorly gauged and ungauged catchments. Recent research has shown that deep learning methods based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells outperform process-based hydrological models for rainfall-runoff modeling, opening new possibilit ...

Wind machines for frost damage mitigation

A quantitative 3D investigation based on observations

Wind machines have been increasingly used for frost damage mitigation in the agricultural community. During radiative frost nights, wind machines are used to erode near-surface thermal inversion by air mixing. The underlying mixing processes remain poorly understood. A full pictu ...
To mitigate spring frost damage, fruit farmers use wind machines to mix warm overlying air down to the vegetation. Up to this point, studies on wind machine efficiency have focused on air temperatures. The temperature of different plant organs during operation remains unknown, wh ...
West African food systems and rural socio-economics are based on rainfed agriculture, which makes society highly vulnerable to rainfall uncertainty and frequent floods and droughts. Reliable rainfall information is currently missing. There is a sparse and uneven rain gauge distri ...
Thornthwaite's formula is globally an optimum candidate for large-scale applications of potential evapotranspiration and aridity assessment at different climates and landscapes since it has lower data requirements compared to other methods and especially from the ASCE-standardize ...
The low density of conventional rain gauge networks is often a limiting factor for radar rainfall bias correction. Citizen rain gauges offer a promising opportunity to collect rainfall data at a higher spatial density. In this paper, hourly radar rainfall bias adjustment was appl ...
Norovirus infections are among the major causes of acute gastroenteritis worldwide. In Germany, norovirus infections are the most frequently reported cause of gastroenteritis, although only laboratory confirmed cases are officially counted. The high infectivity and environmental ...
Plant transpiration accounts for about half of all terrestrial evaporation. Plants need water for many vital functions including nutrient uptake, growth and leaf cooling. The regulation of plant water transport by stomata in the leaves leads to the loss of 97% of the water that i ...
Low-cost dual-frequency receivers and antennas have created opportunities for a wide range of new applications, in regions and disciplines where traditional GNSS equipment is unaffordable. However, the major drawback of using low-cost antenna equipment is that antenna phase patte ...

Something fishy going on?

Evaluating the Poisson hypothesis for rainfall estimation using intervalometers: results from an experiment in Tanzania

A new type of rainfall sensor (the intervalometer), which counts the arrival of raindrops at a piezo electric element, is implemented during the Tanzanian monsoon season alongside tipping bucket rain gauges and an impact disdrometer. The aim is to test the validity of the Poisson ...
Wind machines are used in the agricultural sector to prevent or mitigate the adverse effects of night frost in spring. In this study we aim to quantify the impact of wind machine operation on the local temperature field in an orchard. To this end, a field experiment is conducted ...