Jonathan Nuttall
4 records found
Data-driven site characterization (DDSC) aids geotechnical engineering by inferring and mapping soil parameters of the subsurface domain. In practice, the limited availability of site investigation data may hinder the performance of traditional machine learning methods and implie
Streamflow predictions remain a challenge for poorly gauged and ungauged catchments. Recent research has shown that deep learning methods based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells outperform process-based hydrological models for rainfall-runoff modeling, opening new possibilit
Dike infrastructure is of vital importance for the safety against flooding. The standard methodologies for the assessment of dike safety for macrostability are based on limit equilibrium methods, which result in a safety factor against shear failure. The more advanced alternative
The Dutch design codes for the dikes with retaining walls rely on Finite Element Analysis (FEM) in combination with partial safety factors. However, this can lead to conservative designs. For this reason, in this study, a reliability analysis is carried out with FEM calculations