T. Schweckendiek

68 records found

The historic canal walls of Amsterdam, stretching 200 km in total, are constructed as a masonry wall on a timber deck supported by vertical timber piles. Understanding the resistance against lateral failure of these quays has been challenging due to uncertainties in their working ...
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the geotechnical engineering community to the treatment of uncertainties in site characterization within the framework of the second-generation Eurocodes. To do so, the main uncertainties related to the Ground Model, the ground properties ...
Ground anchors are crucial components in various construction and engineering applications. They play a critical role in retaining structures and, therefore, design guidelines have established the necessity of comprehensive testing campaigns to derive the anchors characteristic r ...
The second-generation Eurocodes, in particular EN 1990 and EN 1997, will rely more heavily on reliability and probability approaches for design (and verification) of geotechnical structures and for treating available data. The determination of groundwater levels will be based on ...
Data-driven site characterization (DDSC) aids geotechnical engineering by inferring and mapping soil parameters of the subsurface domain. In practice, the limited availability of site investigation data may hinder the performance of traditional machine learning methods and implie ...
Bayesian inference poses as a means for characterizing the uncertainty in geotechnical parameters based on limited site investigation data. In this study, a Hierarchical Bayesian analysis framework is used to analyse a site investigation database in order to derive geotechnical s ...
A kriging-based metamodelling approach for analysing the structural reliability of a sheetpile wall in a dyke is formulated. This specific problem is characterised by high target reliabilities ((Formula presented.)) in combination with a noisy and incomplete numerical model respo ...
During construction of a dike, slope stability often reaches critical levels, due to the excess pore water pressures in the foundation. The loading condition during construction has similarities with the design conditions during flood loading. Not only in terms of the pore water ...
Common practice for design of retaining walls for deep excavations is by using characteristic values for geotechnical parameters—as a cautious estimate—for Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and combined with partial factors for Ultimate Limit State (ULS), as indicated in the curre ...
While reliability methods have already been widely adopted in civil engineering, the efficiency and robustness of finite element-based reliability assessments of quay walls are still fairly low. In this paper, the reliability indices of structural and geotechnical failure modes o ...
The assessment of service-proven quay walls subject to corrosion-induced degradation is inherently a time-dependent reliability problem. Two major challenges are the modelling of corrosion and taking into account the decrease of epistemic uncertainty throughout the quay wall's se ...
Spatial variability and limited measurements often result in low reliability estimates of geotechnical failure modes of dikes (i.e., earthen flood defences). Required dike reinforcements are usually not executed within a few years after inception, which enables efforts to improve ...
In this paper we show how to calibrate a site-specific transformation model to measure the undrained shear strength from CPTs. This practically unbiased transformation model can then be used to make a better estimation of the spatial average parameter, such as the depth-average o ...
The design of new and assessment of existing quay walls is subject to large uncertainties. Dealing with these uncertainties is a crucial part of the engineering process. The way uncertainties are addressed has a large impact on construction and maintenance costs and on the reliab ...
One of the failure mechanisms of dikes is slope instability at the landward side. Often, one instability does not lead to flooding, and several successive instabilities are needed before the dike overtops, and erosion and breaching can occur, especially at lower water levels. In ...
One of the most rapidly emerging measures in infrastructure asset management is Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), which aims at reducing uncertainty in structural performance by using monitoring equipment. As earthen flood defence structures typically have large strength uncert ...

Innovatieve betrouwbaarheidsanalyse waterkering met waterleiding

Zeeburgereiland bespaart onnodige constructieve maatregelen

De Projectoverstijgende Verkenning Kabels & Leidingen (POV K&L) wordt uitgevoerd binnen het landelijke Hoogwaterbeschermingsprogramma (HWBP) met als belangrijkste doelom de risico's van kabels en leidingen bij dijkversterkingsprojecten te minimaliseren. Vanuit de POV K&L is voor ...
The presence of pipelines in flood defenses presents a challenge for assessing the probability of flooding. To prevent costly structural measures compensating for the possible negative effects of pipeline failure, we developed a framework for an integral failure analysis of pipel ...
In risk analysis of riverine flood defence systems, sections of flood defences are often considered separately, herewith ignoring their interdependence, e.g. due to the hydraulic response following dike breaches in the system. In previous studies it has been found that such inter ...