R.B.J. Brinkgreve
141 records found
Understanding and properly simulating discontinuity mechanical behaviour is crucial in all rock engineering projects. Several constitutive relationships have been proposed and implemented in numerical codes. This paper discusses the results of a numerical study that exam-ines the
Numerical modelling in Geo-Engineering is used to solve complex problems by simulating, analysing, or predicting soil behaviour under certain loading and boundary conditions. The soil behaviour is simulated by constitutive models that describe the relationship between stresses an
The use of soil data is essential in geotechnical design, but in a preliminary project phase such data are usually limited to that inferred from field tests, like CPT, SPT or DMT. In previous publications by the authors and co-workers, it was shown how such data can be automatica
The definition of appropriate calibration criteria for liquefaction-simulating constitutive models in sands is essential to properly simulate a liquefied state under seismic ground motions, enabling an adequate estimation of the liquefaction hazard. Therefore, a thorough quantita
An automated parameter determination system based on in-situ tests
In-situ testing has numerous applications in geotechnical engineering. The interpretation of in-situ test results includes soil stratification and determination of soil parameters. This paper presents an automated parameter determination framework that aims to determine constitut
Dada la creciente complejidad del entorno de construcción en zonas urbanas densamente pobladas y condiciones de terreno problemáticas, el diseño de túneles y lumbreras supone todo un reto. Comprender el comportamiento del suelo y de la roca y la interacción con las estructuras es
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have significantly increased over the last couple of years. ML is driven by the availability of data. Although geotechnical engineering is generally not among the first in picking up new technologies, there is a lo
Tailings dam failures are one of the most destructive phenomena, both in terms of number of victims and of generated environmental impact. Over the years, different causes have been identified, with flow liquefaction being a prominent factor to consider when assessing the stabili
Numerische Ermittlung von Baugrundschwingungen bei dynamisch belasteten Fundamenten
Empfehlungen zur Modellierung
Geotechnical engineers are increasingly concerned with wave propagation problems. Manufacturers of geotechnical analysis software added features for soil dynamic analyses to their products initially devised for static geotechnical analyses. Though, users often lack the experience
Discussion Session D2 (Embankments)
Contribution of the Discussion Leader
Embankments are special structures that play a crucial role in various civil engineering projects, namely in the construction of roads, railways, dams, dikes, airports, and more. These types of earthworks provide vital support, stability, and protection in diverse infrastructure
Nowadays geotechnical engineering firms have powerful software tools to extent their consulting business also into dynamic soil-structure interaction, which before has been restricted to a rather small community of specialized experts in this field, and they certainly do. This is
An ongoing research project aims to create an automated parameter determination (APD) framework relying on a graph-based approach for determining constitutive model parameters from in-situ tests. The system requires two spreadsheets as inputs. One spreadsheet defines the paramete
Preloading of four-legged jack-ups in clay
Geotechnical time effects and fulfilment of preloading criteria
Presented here is a numerical study on the preloading of four-legged jack-ups, such as those commonly employed in the construction of offshore wind farms. The need for reducing jack-up installation time is particularly felt within the offshore industry, especially when multiple p
Following up on previous research on Automated Parameter Determination (APD), in which the soil stratification and numerical model parameters are automatically derived from individual CPTs, this article describes ongoing research in which the geotechnical modelling workflow is fu
Rock bolting plays an important role in different geo-engineering applications and its numerical modelling is crucial for the analysis and design of rock structures. Continuum modelling simulation of bolt-reinforced rock masses requires specific techniques to properly model the r
Selecting an appropriate soil constitutive model and determining the corresponding model parameters for numerical analysis are considered most challenging in geotechnical engineering. While many empirical relationships have been proposed to derive soil parame ...
An advanced constitutive model for silts and clays
A PLAXIS implementation of PM4Silt
Many constitutive models are nowadays available to simulate the mechanical behaviour of clays under different loading conditions. For geotechnical engineering applications in a soil dynamics context, the PM4Silt model, as proposed by Boulanger & Ziotopoulou (2018), can simula
This article describes how efficiency in geotechnical engineering involving finite element (FE) modelling can be improved by automation. An important part of geotechnical FE modelling involves the creation of an underground model and the determination of soil and model parameters
Performing numerical analysis successfully depends on several factors. One of the most important factors is determining the constitutive model parameters correctly. It is often the case that these parameters are determined based on limited soil data. Using in-situ tests for deter
Various CPT-based correlations exist for the unit weight of natural soils. One such correlation includes organic soils Lengkeek et al. (2018). This correlation is presented as a framework where the coefficients can be optimized and is based on predominantly Class 2 CPT records. T