S. Brasile
5 records found
Tailings dam failures are one of the most destructive phenomena, both in terms of number of victims and of generated environmental impact. Over the years, different causes have been identified, with flow liquefaction being a prominent factor to consider when assessing the stabili
Following up on previous research on Automated Parameter Determination (APD), in which the soil stratification and numerical model parameters are automatically derived from individual CPTs, this article describes ongoing research in which the geotechnical modelling workflow is fu
Rock bolting plays an important role in different geo-engineering applications and its numerical modelling is crucial for the analysis and design of rock structures. Continuum modelling simulation of bolt-reinforced rock masses requires specific techniques to properly model the r
This article describes how efficiency in geotechnical engineering involving finite element (FE) modelling can be improved by automation. An important part of geotechnical FE modelling involves the creation of an underground model and the determination of soil and model parameters
An advanced constitutive model for silts and clays
A PLAXIS implementation of PM4Silt
Many constitutive models are nowadays available to simulate the mechanical behaviour of clays under different loading conditions. For geotechnical engineering applications in a soil dynamics context, the PM4Silt model, as proposed by Boulanger & Ziotopoulou (2018), can simula