R.B.J. Brinkgreve
8 records found
The PM4Sand model successfully simulates the material behaviour of sands in dynamic loading, including the pore pressure generation, liquefaction and post-liquefaction phenomena. It is a very attractive model for the industry due to a small number of parameters to be calibrated.
The Creep-SCLAY1S model is capable of simulating the anisotropic and rate-dependent behaviour of soft soils. The mathematical formulation also includes the possibility to model bonding and destructuration. Many constitutive models have been propos ...
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
Proceedings of the 8th European conference on numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, Delft, the Netherlands, 18–20 June 2014
Geotechnical Engineering: New Horizons
Proceedings of the 21st European Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference Rotterdam 2011
This book presents the proceedings of the 21st European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (EYGEC), held in the Netherlands in September 2011. Six sections cover the topics of: underground construction; pile foundation and ground improvement; soil dynamics; dams, erosion and