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A.P. van den Eijnden

62 records found


À l’échelle du laboratoire, les roches argileuses sont des matériaux hétérogènes dont le comportement thermo-hydromécanique est en grande partie contrôlé par la microstructure. Le choix du nombre et de la taille des échantillons à étudier en laboratoire est déterminant pour appré ...
Various simplified approaches are used to calculate the characteristic values of shear strength properties, which have then been used in deterministic stability analyses of a dyke cross-section. The calculated factors of safety are compared with the 5-percentile ‘system response’ ...

Modelling the multiscale behaviour of claystone

Deformation, rupture, and hydro-mechanical phenomena around underground galleries

In the context of underground exploitation, the behaviour of rocks near galleries and tunnels conditions their stability. Underground drilling generates deformations, damage, fracturing, and significant modification of flow characteristics in the surrounding rock. However, the ...

A reliability-based analysis framework, accounting for uncertainty arising from the spatial variability of soil properties, has been validated for the controlled, well-instrumented slope failure of an historic dyke in the Netherlands. Using soil property statistics derived from t ...
The Dutch dyke network includes 14,000 km of regional dykes that are regularly assessed in order to reduce the risk of flooding. The current strategy for maintenance and/or upgrading of existing dykes is based on safety assessments using partial factors and reliability-based char ...
A case study involving the assessment and re-design of an existing dyke, founded on a layered soil, has compared deterministic analysis based on 5-percentile property values and a reliability-based random finite element analysis consistent with the requirements of Eurocode 7. The ...
This paper studies the effect of (not) accounting for the systematic uncertainty in the characterization of soil parameters in spatially variable soils and the influence this has on the calculated probability of failure. Not fully accounting for systematic uncertainty is consider ...

Improbable slope failure is addressed in the framework of reliability analysis of slopes in heterogeneous cohesive soils, as the small subset of realisations that fail without additional measures to trigger failure. The mode of these slope failures, located at the weak tail of ...

The microstructure of a highly laminated Lower Bowland Shale sample is characterized at the micron-to millimeter scale, to investigate how such characterization can be utilized for microstructure-based modelling of the shale's geomechanical behavior. A mosaic of scanning elect ...

Accounting for spatial variability in probabilistic slope stability analysis using the random finite element method (RFEM) typically leads to a distribution of calculated factors of safety as well as a distribution of resulting depths of the sliding body. Factor of safety (or its ...
Spatial variation of soil strength parameters is a dominating uncertainty in slope stability analysis. This uncertainty can be accounted for in a stochastic description, based on a global geostatistical characterization of the soil strength parameters, which leads to a wide range ...

For analyzing low probability slope failures, a modified version of subset simulation, based on performance-based subset selection rather than the usual probability-based subset selection, is combined with the random finite element method. The application to an idealized slope ...

Disposal of spent nuclear fuel and long lived radioactive waste in deep clay geological formations is one of the promising options worldwide. In this concept of the geological disposal system, the Boom Clay is considered as a potential host rock when designing a generic waste rep ...
This paper discusses the numerical results for a consolidation test studied by using a hydromechanical model formulated within a numerical homogenization approach, the so-called finite element squared method, FE2. This model is characterized by two observation scales: at the micr ...


Geotechnical Seismic Design Code Calibration

A probabilistic study of seismic design code safety

Seismic design codes are currently moving from a force-based design approach to a performance-based design approach. For example, in a performance-based design approach it could be specified ...

An analysis of the influence of the flood duration on slope stability

What is the influence of the flood duration on slope stability and in what degree affects the flood duration the design?

In most current dike assessments only the stationary water levels are investigated in the assessment of the stability of the inner slope, while there are differences for all kind of dikes between the stationary and transient pore water pressures and therefore in the stability. Th ...
Levees are earthen structures that are designed to protect land from flooding and are commonly composed of impervious soils and built on sandy foundations. They are sensitive to an erosion process that is known as piping. After several years of investigation into piping, Sellmeij ...

The reconstruction of Riskeer

WBI2017 assessment tool focused on hydraulic structures

The reliability assessment of hydraulic structures, in primary water defences before 2017, is characterised by exceedance probabilities and implicit uncertainty. In January of 2017, the new water law enforces a change in the assessment of primary water defences. The water law req ...
Soil properties used to determine the stability of soil structures are variable in nature. Uncertainty in soil can be attributed to its inherent variability, as well as sources of error encountered while estimating the magnitude of its properties. The modelling of these uncertain ...