M. Korff
39 records found
Three driven precast, four driven cast-in-situ, and four screw injection piles were installed and tested in dense to very dense sand at a site in the Netherlands. Each pile was instrumented with two types of fiber optic sensors and tested under axial compression. Through these te
In this study, 2D and 3D modelling strategies are used to represent the behaviour of historical masonry buildings on strip foundations undergoing settlements. The application focuses on a two-story building, typical of the Dutch architectural heritage. An improved 2D modelling is
In the Netherlands, subsidence due to different causes is linked to damage to the ubiquitous masonry structures. Finite element (FE) analyses can be used to assess the response of the structures subjected to settlements. This paper presents the comparison between three-dimensiona
Full-scale axial load tests were performed on five screw injection piles founded in medium-dense to dense sand at a site in Delft, the Netherlands. Each pile was instrumented with distributed fiber-optic sensors along its full length, giving detailed insights into the shaft and b
Historic quay walls in many Dutch cities are supported by an array of vertical timber piles which run through soft soil deposits and rest on a sand layer, providing end-bearing support. As these structures experience horizontal loads, the foundation piles are loaded in bending. T
The Quay Walls of Amsterdam, Netherlands
An Approach for Collapse Risk Mitigation at the Municipal Scale Based on Multisource Monitoring and Surveying Data
The City of Amsterdam is responsible for the maintenance of 600 km of historic quay walls, most of which are over 100 years old while others are 300 years old and are experiencing stability and degradation problems. A lack of knowledge about the as-built information and the curre
This paper presents an improved 2D modelling strategy which aims to represent the behavior of historical unreinforced masonry buildings on shallow foundations subjected to ground settlements. The application is presented with reference to a two-storey building, typical of the Dut
Natural soil deposits may possess a highly anisotropic nature. The fabric anisotropy of soils which is induced during the soil formation process can lead to severe variation in field scale responses. Although the influence of fabric on the response of sands is well known and seve
This paper describes axial load tests on three full-scale driven precast piles in the Netherlands. The piles were founded in dense to very dense river-deposited sands, a soil that is widespread across the Dutch North Sea sector. The deposit is characterised by cone penetration te
Experimental studies show that initial fabric and its evolution under different stress paths greatly influences soil behaviour. Even though different sample preparation methods create different inherent anisotropies and cause different material responses, the same initial fabric
Shape matters
Influence of varying settlement profiles due to multicausal subsidence when modelling damage in a masonry façade
This paper demonstrates the use of non-linear finite element modelling to investigate the response of structures subjected to different shapes of subsidence-related ground settlements. The approach is presented with reference to a two-storey unreinforced masonry façade resting on
This study aims to investigate the damage response of unreinforced masonry (URM) façades resting on strip foundations and subjected to ground settlements via numerical models. The models depict the non-linear constitutive behaviour of both the masonry, via smeared cracking, and o
In this paper, a state-dependent semi-micromechanical framework for anisotropic sands is proposed. A simple constitutive model based on critical state theory and bounding surface (BS) plasticity is used to describe idealized micro-level soil behaviour, and a slip theory based mul
In the Netherlands, the potential damage to the building stock due to subsidence phenomena has recently received increased awareness. However, evaluating and predicting damage to buildings in subsiding areas is a complex task that requires associating the vulnerability of exposed
A quay wall directly next to a building, both dating from around 1870, collapsed along the Grimburgwal in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on 1 September 2020. The historic quay wall consisted of a masonry wall, built of a timber deck supported by several rows of timber piles of about
Geogrid-anchored sheet pile walls
a small-scale experimental and numerical study
The use of geogrids to anchor Sheet Pile Walls (SPW) is relatively new. A series of small-scale tests was performed to investigate the behaviour of geogrid-Anchored SPWs subjected to strip footing surcharge loading. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques were used to measure
The historic canal wall structures in many Northern European cities have been built as masonry walls on a timber deck founded on timber piles. For analysis of the resistance of those structures and assessment of their remaining service life, suitable and accurate calculation mode
This study presents a novel framework in which numerical modelling contributes to the performance of district-scale, subsidence-induced damage assessment in cities where ground settlements affect entire quarters. Therein, the implementation of expeditious procedures offers geotec
Large areas of the Netherlands are dominated by deep, soft soil deposits, posing a challenge to engineers with respect to the design of axially loaded foundations. The design of these foundations is primarily based on methods which use cone penetration test (CPT) parameters, such
This paper presents an integrated analysis based on the use of multi-source wide-area datasets consisting of hydro-mechanical properties of geomaterials, in-situ investigations/measurements (e.g. groundwater levels in wells) and innovative space-borne data (i.e. DInSAR techniques