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P.A. Korswagen Eguren

49 records found


Recent, induced earthquakes in the north of the Netherlands have led to a large number of damage claims. Many claims can be considered to fall into the category of ‘light damage’ to the ubiquitous, unreinforced masonry structures in the region. To evaluate and predict the beha ...

Recent, light earthquakes induced by the extraction of gas in the north of the Netherlands have been linked to light, mostly aesthetic damage of the traditional masonry structures in the region; this is also connected to economic losses and societal unrest. To be able to accur ...

Dutch Buildings Flood Fragility

Masonry Wall Experiments at Flood Proof Holland

To pragmatically answer the question of whether masonry walls can withstand a hydrostatic water pressure, a clay-brick wall was built and tested at Flood Proof Holland. The specimen was exposed to various hydrostatic loads, also in combination with debris impact loads, with the g ...
Failure of residential buildings during floods is an important cause of damage and loss of life. In the case of the Netherlands, the collapse of buildings is implicitly included in current damage and mortality curves since these are generated from historical data. However, the Ne ...

Induced seismicity in the north of the Netherlands has recently exposed unprepared, unreinforced masonry structures to considerable earthquake hazard. While the ultimate-limit state capacity of the structures is vital to assess the individual's risk, their behaviour during mor ...

Calcium silicate against clay brick masonry

An experimental comparison of the in-plane behaviour during light damage

The north of the Netherlands is prone to frequent, light earthquakes linked to economical losses and societal unrest due to the induced seismicity in the region. These light earthquakes produce correspondingly low values of in-plane drift on the typical masonry structures of t ...

Induced seismicity in the north of the Netherlands has recently exposed unprepared, unreinforced masonry structures to considerable earthquake risk. While the ultimate-limit state capacity of the structures is vital to assess the individual’s risk, their behavior during more freq ...

In recent years, gas extraction in the northern part of the Netherlands has been causing low-magnitude, induced, shallow earthquakes. Besides safety, the prediction and evaluation of ‘light’ damage due to these induced ground motions is important, as it is related to economic ...

Evaluating and predicting structural damage from multi-hazards is a complex task mainly due to the varying ways in which hazards affect structures. Also, different damage scales that employ different parameters and criteria are used for evaluating the hazards, making a connect ...

In recent years, induced seismicity in the north of the Netherlands significantly increased. As a consequence, the seismic assessment of the built environment, which mainly consists of unreinforced masonry (URM) structures not designed for seismic loads, became of high relevance. ...
In recent years, the gas extraction in the northern part of the Netherlands is causing induced, shallow earthquakes. Besides safety, the prediction and evaluation of ‘light’ damage due to induced ground motions is important, being related to economic and serviceability losses, an ...


The historic quay walls of Amsterdam

A study into the hidden structural capacity of masonry quay walls under the condition of a partly failing foundation

The city of Amsterdam contains about 1600 bridges and 600 kilometres of quay walls. Of these walls, about 200 kilometres are of masonry walls placed on a timber floor and founded on timber piles. These quay walls are sometimes over 100 years old. Due to the increasing loads in th ...

Photogrammetric Deformation Analysis of a Quay Wall

Stochastic non-linear least-squares deformation analysis from photogrammetric measurements on a quay wall

In recent years, unstable quay walls are a problem in The Netherlands. 100-year-old quay walls in cities like Amsterdam are collapsing and endanger people and property. The government needs to renovate unstable quay walls quickly. With 600 kilometre of quay wall in Amsterdam alon ...

Rocking revisited 4

Analysis of rocking-induced stresses for concrete breakwater armour units

When a breakwater is under heavy wave attack, the concrete armour units will occasionally move, causing a collision between two concrete armour units. This process is called rocking, and induces stresses in the concrete, that may lead to breakage of the concrete armour units. Thi ...
The SBR richtlijn A states threshold values for the vibration speeds causing a 1% probability of failure of masonry structures. These threshold values are very useful for structural designers, because during the construction of new structures or the demolition of existing structu ...
’De Watersnood van 1953’, the largest Dutch flood in recent history, caused the death of 1795 people in the Netherlands directly from the flood conditions, while in the UK, 315 were recorded. Most of them were among those whose residence collapsed due to high water depth, quick r ...

Structural Window Design for In-plane Seismic Strengthening

Numerical Predictions of Strengthening Unreinforced Masonry Structures in Groningen

In recent decades, gas production has caused numerous human-induced shallow earthquakes in the province of Groningen, The Netherlands. The buildings in this area were not designed for these unexpected earthquake loads and have shown to be vulnerable. However, current strengthenin ...

A Hyperbolic model for Degradation in Tension mode-I Fracture of Masonry

Implementation and Validation in Engineering masonry model

The growing need to understand the behaviour of un-reinforced masonry URM), subjected to
repeated light man-made earthquakes caused by the extraction of gas in the north-eastern part
of The Netherlands has resulted in intense research to determine the exact process of cra ...