169 records found


In the aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami Japanese tsunami protection philosophy now dictates that coastal defences should prevent the land that they protect from being flooded under a Level 1 event (with a return period in the order of about 100 years). To ascer ...
Climate change with extreme hydrological conditions, such as drought and flood, bring new challenges to seepage behavior and the stability of earthfill dams. Taking a drought-stricken earthfill dam of China as an example, the influence of drought-flood cycles on dam seepage behav ...

Sliding force and punching pressure were contributing factors to widespread breakwater damage caused during the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami (Takagi and Bricker, 2015), and were dominant factors causing displacement of caissons from the world’s deepest breakwater: the Kamaish ...

Tsunami awareness

A comparative assessment between Japan and the USA

Awareness about the threats posed by different types of coastal disasters has increased throughout the world, as people are exposed to the nature of these hazards through media reports on events in distant countries. This has resulted in coastal residents being aware about the ...

Shanghai, as a coastal city, is vulnerable to various types of flooding. The floodwalls along the Huangpu River provide protection against typhoon-induced flooding. However, there is limited insight into the actual safety level of the flood defences in Shanghai, and recent failur ...

Are inundation limit and maximum extent of sand useful for differentiating tsunamis and storms?

An example from sediment transport simulations on the Sendai Plain, Japan

We examined the quantitative difference in the distribution of tsunami and storm deposits based on numerical simulations of inundation and sediment transport due to tsunami and storm events on the Sendai Plain, Japan. The calculated distance from the shoreline inundated by the ...

Performance of Models for Flash Flood Warning and Hazard Assessment

The 2015 Kali Gandaki Landslide Dam Breach in Nepal

The 2015 magnitude 7.8 Gorkha earthquake and its aftershocks weakened mountain slopes in Nepal. Co- and postseismic landsliding and the formation of landslide-dammed lakes along steeply dissected valleys were widespread, among them a landslide that dammed the Kali Gandaki River. ...
Previous geological studies suggest that the maximum inland extent of storm-induced sand deposits is shorter, but their thickness is larger, than those of tsunami-induced sand deposits. However, factors that determine the maximum extent and thickness of storm deposits are still u ...
Jeremy Bricker and Mark Voorendt study physical and human aspects of complex flood defenses. They each highlight three cases from their home country and discuss the approaches at both sides of the atlantic: different views on juxtaposition of infrastructure and nature and on sepa ...

Preference for information during flood disasters

A study of Thailand and Indonesia

The world is encountering climate change and severe natural disasters. Floods have been one of the most disruptive disasters these decades. The 2011 flood in Thailand affected 13.6 million people and caused damage of USD 46.5 billion, while the 2013 flood in Jakarta, despite i ...

Following the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Japanese tsunami protection guidelines stipulate that coastal defences should ensure that settlements are shielded from the coastal inundation that would result from Level 1 tsunami events (with return periods in the order of a ...

To help produce accurate and consistent maritime hazard products, the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program organized a benchmarking workshop to evaluate the numerical modeling of tsunami currents. Thirteen teams of international researchers, using a set of tsunami models ...

Storm surge and phase-Averaged wave simulations are run to assess the hypothetical effects of the December 2014 Nemuro extratropical storm and the August 2016 Typhoon Lionrock on Sendai port in northern Japan, by shifting the recorded tracks of these storms. Climate change eff ...

The 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami exposed many hidden weaknesses in Japan’s tsunami countermeasures. Since then, many improvements have been made in both structural measures (numerical simulations, coastal defense structures, building damage assessment and control forests) and no ...
Fragility curves evaluating a risk of railway embankment fill and track ballast scour were developed. To develop fragility curves, two well-documented events of singletrack railway washout during floods in Japan were investigated. Type of damage to the railway was categorized int ...


Coastal, fluvial, and pluvial floods cause casualties and damage throughout the world. Climate change is increasing flood hazard in many regions, while human development is exacerbating the consequences of flooding. Engineers, scientists, planners, and policy makers work to reduc ...

Offshore pumped hydropower storage

Technical feasibility study on a large energy storage facility on the Dogger Bank

To combat global warming a transition towards renewable energy sources (RES) is essential. Although RES have much lower life-cycle emissions, they do not offer a continuous and fully predictable output like their fossil-fuelled counterparts. Energy storage is paramount in order t ...
Jakarta is a city which suffers from the problem of urban flooding and inundation. It is urgent to figure out solutions on how to manage the storm water in its urban area. Jakarta locates at the downstream of the catchment; the peak runoff generated in the city can occur earlier ...
The sliding force was a contributing factor to the displacement of caissons from the Kamaishi composite breakwater during the Great East Japan tsunami 2011 (Arikawa et al., 2012). The pressure reduction on the landward wall of the caisson due to non-aeration of the overflowing je ...
Erosion and sedimentation are natural processes that occur in natural flows.
If the erosion is a threat for a structure, a bed protection is necessary to stop this process. A bed protection usually consists of relatively large stones.
For calculating the required dimeter ...