38 records found


Non-parametric Bayesian networks (NPBNs) are graphical tools for statistical inference widely used for reliability analysis and risk assessment and present several advantages, such as the embedded uncertainty quantification and limited computational time for the inference process ...

Compound flooding is generated when two or more flood drivers occur simultaneously or in close succession. Multiple drivers can amplify each other and lead to greater impacts than when they occur in isolation. A better understanding of the interdependence between flood drivers ...

The co-occurrence of (not necessarily extreme) precipitation and surge can lead to extreme inland water levels in coastal areas. In a previous work the positive dependence between the two meteorological drivers was demonstrated in a managed water system in the Netherlands by e ...

Compound weather and climate events are combinations of climate drivers and/or hazards that contribute to societal or environmental risk. Studying compound events often requires a multidisciplinary approach combining domain knowledge of the underlying processes with, for examp ...

Warming temperatures and severe droughts have contributed to increasing fire activity in California. Decadal average summer temperature in California has increased by 0.8 °C during 1984–2014, while the decadal total size of large fires has expanded by a factor of 2.5. This stu ...

Bayesian Networks (BNs) are probabilistic, graphical models for representing complex dependency structures. They have many applications in science and engineering. Their particularly powerful variant – Non-Parametric BNs – are for the first time implemented as an open-access s ...

Climate extremes threaten human health, economic stability, and the well-being of natural and built environments (e.g., 2003 European heat wave). As the world continues to warm, climate hazards are expected to increase in frequency and intensity. The impacts of extreme events ...


Since 2019, Rijkswaterstaat has been applying flexible water level management in the IJsselmeer and Markermeer to make the Dutch water system more robust and future proof. The fixed target water level of -0.20 m NAP during summer is replaced by a flexible water level in which the ...
The effects of climate change are felt all around the world. An increased sea level goes hand in hand with an increased risk of flooding. To combat this, the coastlines must be reinforced to withstand future sea levels. However, repeatedly reinforcing coastlines to keep up with t ...
Flooding is one of the most damaging natural disasters worldwide, and presents a signi_cant risk for a large amount of the global population. For the development of ood disaster management strategies, policy makers make use of ood hazard maps to inform investment strategies to re ...
Floods and droughts, also known as hydro-hazards, are phenomena that generally involve detrimental consequences to society and environment. Traditional practices for risk assessment consider flood and drought independently. However, they are two opposite extremes of the same hydr ...

New breakwater of Genoa

Application of a vine-copula model in probabilistic design

The authorities of the Port of Genoa have requested the construction of a new vertical breakwater for the Sampierdarena canal, as well as the subsequent demolition of part of the existing breakwater. The reason for this project is the need to expand the size of the canal, to allo ...
Many quay walls in Amsterdam have surpassed their structural lifetime and have started showing signs of damage. The city of Amsterdam is currently tackling the problem and have published a plan of action. This plan includes the renovation of hundreds of kilometres of quay walls. ...
The Kampereiland is an island located at the south eastern part of the IJsselmeer in the middle of the Netherlands. This island serves a purpose to lower water levels in the IJssel- and Vechtdelta during high water, by being inundated. This inundation is meant to result in lower ...
Extreme value analyses (EVA) are often used to determine the frequency of extreme events. The length of the available observations is an important aspect when performing EVA. It is generally known that more available data results in better estimates with less uncertainties. The m ...
This master thesis is about the positive effects of river system behaviour along the river IJssel. Due to failure of the flood defences along the IJssel, the protected areas will flood and water will flow out of the river. The discharge in the river will decrease and thus the wat ...
Smallholder farmers cultivate more than 75% of the available agricultural land in Africa and therefore this form of agriculture is crucial to the global food supply. At present, little is known about these smallholder agricultural and related irrigation practices, yet the increas ...

Forecasting river discharge using machine learning methods

With application to the Geul and Rur river

The objective of this study is find out whether maximum daily discharge of the Geul and Rur catchments can be forecast using machine learning (ML) methods, and if so, to what extent. In addition, these ML models are compared to a conceptual model to see which performs better. A s ...
The past decades, the increasing availability of data has paved the way for a new, data-driven generation of models. This research proposes a non-parametric Bayesian network (NPBN) to model hydrologic processes. The Bayesian network (BN) is a directed, acyclic graph in which the ...

A vine-based approach for defining critical infrastructure loads

Designing a breakwater in Galveston Bay, Texas

The design of offshore and coastal infrastructures, sand nourishment and other ’soft’ coastal interventions require the analysis of environmental variables (e.g. wind, waves, rainfall) that can potentially cause the failure of such structures. Processes such as overtopping, beach ...