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Bas Hofland

101 records found

This study treats a detached homogenous low-crested structure (HLCS) made of Cubipod concrete elements placed seaward of a vertical wall (forming a basin in between) to reduce overtopping. Assessing the complex hydrodynamics and effects of changing the geometry of such a system i ...

Scaled versus real-scale tests

Identifying scale and model errors in wave damping through woody vegetation

Vegetation in front of levees, dikes and seawalls can decrease wave energy and therefore contribute to the safety against flooding. However, wave damping predictions by vegetation are still inaccurate due to measurement and modelling uncertainties. Many studies focused on finding ...
Initial damage, caused by previous wave loading or other events, might affect the hydraulic stability of pattern-placed revetments. Three common types of damage are considered in this study. The effect of this assumed initial damage on the hydraulic stability and failure probabil ...
Physical model tests have been performed to study static stability of rock-armoured mild slopes. Current stability design formulae for steeper rock-armoured slopes focus on plunging and surging waves. Slopes of 1:6 and milder usually have more spilling breakers which decreases th ...

Delta Transport Processes Laboratory

Lab For Surface And Internal Wave-Induced Currents Under Rotation

The presence of marine pollutants such as marine plastics has increased significantly over the last decades and poses a major environmental problem, in both the coastal and offshore area. Marine pollutants are transported, mixed and diffused in the ocean, which means the understa ...
Single layer randomly placed armour units are used in many rubble mound breakwaters around the world. For these armour layers first extraction of units starts at high loads and can then progress quickly. Before the first extraction of a unit, typically no quantitative description ...
Overtopping plumes from wave impact is relevant to coastal defence for overtopping analysis of sea walls, levees, and gates. Improved insight into this phenomenon will further enhance the prediction of wave overtopping and its induced hazard, e.g., erosion, saltwater ingress, and ...
ECOncrete®‘s Coastalock is an ecologically designed armour unit, providing an alternative and/or a complement to traditional armour layers with ecologically enhanced armouring that provides shoreline stabilization, while also creating well-defined local ecosystems that mimic natu ...
When constructing land reclamations, often sand is placed on top of the coarse rock of the bund surrounding the reclamation. The use of a geometrically open filter between the interface of sand and rock could be cost effective. It is expected that even a geometrically open filter ...
With the capacity to reduce wave energy and trap sediment, Scirpus mariqueter has become an important native species of annual grass for ecology restoration at the Yangtze Estuary in eastern China. Due to seasonal variances of biophysical characteristics, S. mariqueter usually be ...
Randomly placed breakwater armour units under wave loading can sometimes start rocking, which can lead to breakage of armour units. This failure mechanism can especially become important for single layer randomly placed armour units for which full displacement of units will only ...
We present an experimental study on the gas flow field development over a plunging breaking wave prior to impact on a vertical wall. The variability of wave impact pressure over repeated measurements is well known (Bagnold, 1939). The formation of instabilities on the wave crest ...
Wooden fences are nature-based supporting structures to restore mangroves in the Mekong Delta. The hydraulic functioning of wooden fences was studied in previous studies. However, the role of bathymetry in the dissipation and damping of waves by wooden fences has not been studied ...

Quantifying Frontal-Surface Area of Woody Vegetation

A Crucial Parameter for Wave Attenuation

The last years, capacity of vegetation to reduce wave impact is receiving considerable attention. To predict wave attenuation processes within vegetation fields reliable estimates of vegetation parameters are needed. This proves to be difficult for woody vegetation as it consists ...
For the design of vertical hydraulic structures pulsating wave forces need to be calculated. The total wave force is a result of every wave component (long waves and short waves) within a wave field. The common formulae are derived for regular or unimodal narrow sea states and us ...
Worldwide, communities are facing increasing flood risk, due to more frequent and intense hazards and rising exposure through more people living along coastlines and in flood plains. Nature-based Solutions (NbS), such as mangroves, and riparian forests, offer huge potential for a ...
This paper presents a novel design method to predict fatigue of flood gates due to dynamic wave loading. The accumulation of fatigue damage is predicted probabilistically over the entire lifetime of the structure rather than with a set of normative events. Load events are defined ...
Wave overtopping is typically measured in the field using overtopping tanks. In this paper, an alternative system is developed that uses two laser scanners. The system also measures wave run-up, as well as run-up depths and velocities, both during perpendicular and oblique waves ...
Mangrove forests, that often act as natural coastal defences, enormously suffered due to ongoing climate change and human disturbances. Thus, it is necessary to have a countermeasure to mitigate the loss of mangroves. Wooden fences are becoming a viable nature-based solution to p ...
This paper establishes a computationally efficient model to predict flood gate vibrations due to wave impacts including fluid–structure interaction. In contrast to earlier models, composite fluid domains are included to represent the situation of a flood gate in a dewatering slui ...