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O. C. Tieleman

6 records found

This paper presents a novel design method to predict fatigue of flood gates due to dynamic wave loading. The accumulation of fatigue damage is predicted probabilistically over the entire lifetime of the structure rather than with a set of normative events. Load events are defined ...

Wave-induced vibrations of flood gates

Modelling, experimentation and design

Flood gates form an essential part of many flood defence systems in coastal areas. During storm events, these gates are subjected to extreme loads from various sources. This dissertation addresses the dynamic behaviour of flood gates induced by wave impacts. A semi-analytical flu ...
This paper establishes a computationally efficient model to predict flood gate vibrations due to wave impacts including fluid–structure interaction. In contrast to earlier models, composite fluid domains are included to represent the situation of a flood gate in a dewatering slui ...
A model is developed to predict bending vibrations of flood gates with fluid on both sides. The liquid flow is three-dimensional and the gate is represented as a thin plate. The fluid response is considered within the linear potential flow theory including the effect of compressi ...
The hydrodynamic pressures for a vertical flood gate situated in a discharge sluice are investigated. Exact analytical solutions are presented for the hydrodynamic pressures acting on the gate. This solution is first employed to investigate the hydrodynamic pressures for a horizo ...
This paper describes a first case study of the application of a newly developed fluid-structure interaction model to the design of flood gates. The gates in the Afsluitdijk, that will be replaced in the coming years, are considered. Due to the presence of a concrete beam in front ...