Riparian forests in front of levees can dampen incoming waves and reduce erosion, thereby decreasing the risk of flooding. This makes them a sustainable addition to stand-alone dikes, potentially decreasing the overall costs for future dike reinforcement measures. However, there
Riparian forests in front of levees can dampen incoming waves and reduce erosion, thereby decreasing the risk of flooding. This makes them a sustainable addition to stand-alone dikes, potentially decreasing the overall costs for future dike reinforcement measures. However, there are currently no guidelines for the design, monitoring, and maintenance of dike-forest combinations as significant uncertainties remain. For instance, most studies on the effectiveness of forests in attenuating waves focus on mild wave climates or rely on scaled tests using simplified tree mimics. As a result, prototype-scale studies on wave damping by forests under extreme conditions—essential for design and assessment purposes—are lacking.
This thesis investigated wave damping by riparian forests, with a specific focus on pollard willow trees, which are commonly found along the riverbanks in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe. The primary aim was to reduce the uncertainties associated with the application of forest-dike combinations. The foundation and source of innovation for this thesis is the data from real-scale flume tests, conducted on a 40-m-long live pollard willow forest, subjected to significant wave heights up to 1.5 metres. The analysis of these tests revealed several important areas for further investigation. First, the vertical frontal-surface area (Av) distribution of leafless trees should be measured in detail, as leaves were found to minimally affect wave damping. Second, flume studies at various scaled often form the basis of calibration and validation of analytical, numerical and empirical wave-vegetation models, however, the extent to which small-scale tests accurately represent wave-vegetation interaction at real scale remains unknown. The data from the real-scale tests made it possible to design scaled tests (with 3D-printed tree mimics) and compare the results between both scales. Lastly, during real-scale tests, the live tree branches were observed to sway by nearly 180 degrees under the highest water levels and wave conditions, highlighting the importance of and need for further research into branch flexibility.
Numerical models of vegetation largely underestimate the vegetation surface by assuming that vegetation consists of only stems and a single branch order and by neglecting tapering of branches. In Chapter 2, we investigate methods to obtain accurate Av distributions over the height of live willow trees. One method used a combination of manual measurements and tree allometry relations to create tree models (resulting in a detailed representation of Av). This method was compared to the results of a relatively more practical method: Terrestrial Laser Scanning. The findings showed a large variation of (calibrated) bulk drag coefficients between measuring methods and highlight the importance of reliable frontal-surface area estimations and consequently for reliable wave attenuation predictions.
Until now, no prior studies have compared real-scale and scaled tests with woody vegetation. We therefore conducted scaled tests with complex 3D-printed willow tree mimics to explore scale effects in scaled tests with vegetation (Chapter 3). The maximum measured wave damping (30%) was shown to be roughly 1.5 times higher than the real-scale tests (20%) for water levels just above the knot of the trees. The amount of wave height damping decreased for larger water levels, following the same trend as that of the real-scale tests. The largest effects were attributed to increased viscous damping (due to smaller branch Reynolds numbers), and non-exact flexibility scaling. These notable deviations illustrate that real-scale tests, though expensive, may still be needed to validate the results of scaled tests for woody vegetation. Alternatively, accounting for these discrepancies can increase the reliability of scaled tests for wave damping studies on woody vegetation and reduce the need for more expensive real-scale tests.
Additionally, scaled tests with flexible conical shapes were conducted to study the effects of flexibility on wave damping in greater detail (Chapter 4). The first-mode cone deflection was determined at ~0.7 times the length of the cone to avoid higher-order modes in the measurements. The findings showed that cone deflections greater than 5 degrees had a large spread in force reduction and resulted in a significant decrease in measured forces of up to 50% compared to their rigid counterparts. This work demonstrated that the effective length principle, which has already been successfully applied to grassy vegetation such as salt marshes and seagrass, is a promising dimensionless parameter for predicting force reduction in conical shapes--and could potentially be extended to tree canopies.
Lastly, the experimental data was used as input for analytical wave damping models, which allowed us to discuss the opportunities for riparian forest-dike solutions in the Netherlands (Chapter 5). The outcome of our probabilistic study suggested that pollard forests in front of existing dikes offered the greatest benefit in mitigating failure caused by the erosion of grass on the outer-slope of the dike due to wave impact. We also discussed that the height of the trunk, which determines the location of the knot—where the frontal surface area, and consequently wave damping, are greatest—can serve as a key design parameter for forest-dike systems.
The thesis offers an overview of key parameters and their associated uncertainties, contributing to the ongoing integration of (riparian) forests into dike design and assessment methodologies.@en