22 records found

Marine biofouling is a major concern in the operational performance of submerged floating tunnels (SFTs). The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of marine fouling (represented by surface roughness) on the hydrodynamic behavior of SFTs, including the hydrodyn ...
Overtopping plumes from wave impact is relevant to coastal defence for overtopping analysis of sea walls, levees, and gates. Improved insight into this phenomenon will further enhance the prediction of wave overtopping and its induced hazard, e.g., erosion, saltwater ingress, and ...
Submerged floating tunnels are considered as feasible concepts for strait and estuary crossings where traditional tunnels and bridges face technical difficulties. An unknown factor is the environmental conditions that would allow safe, SFT construction and operation. This paper f ...
Mass balance analysis of ice sheets is a key component to understand the effects of global warming. A significant component of ice sheet and shelf mass balance is iceberg calving, which can generate large tsunamis endangering human beings and coastal infrastructure. Such iceberg- ...
This paper describes a method of determining the reaction forces of a vertical structure with an overhang to impulsive wave impacts. The aim is to develop a method to design a hydraulic structure exposed to the impulsive w ...
Overtopping bore impact forces on a dike mounted vertical wall were measured in similar large-scale (Froude length scale factor 1-to-4.3) and small-scale (Froude length scale factor 1-to-25) models. The differences due to scale effects were studied, by comparing the up-scaled for ...
During the last decades, the spectral wave period Tm-1,0 has become accepted as a characteristic wave period when describing the hydraulic attack on coastal structures, especially over shallow foreshores. In this study, we derive an empirical prediction formula ...
Bij het ontwerp van multifunctionele waterkeringen spelen twee specifieke constructieve aspecten een rol: golfimpact en constructieve verificatie. Een onderzoeksprogramma van de TU Delft, Universiteit van Twente en Wageningen Universiteit heeft zich hierover gebogen.@en
De organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling schat dat in 2070 in grote havensteden wereldwijd 140 miljoen mensen en 30000 miljard euro aan economische waarde beschermd worden, Bescherming lijkt alleen mogelijk met multifunctionele waterkeringen.@en
In low-lying countries like the Netherlands and Belgium, coastal areas are often highly urbanized, and buildings are often built on or close to the flood defenses (Figure 2 shows a typical Belgian seaside town). This is an example of multifunctional flood defense, where urban fun ...
The vulnerability of buildings on coastal dikes due to overtopping wave impacts is difficult to assess. A method is developed in this paper to quantify the vulnerability of masonry buildings on a coastal dike exposed to wave overtopping. Using previous studies, the accidental loa ...

Walowa (Wave Loads on Walls)

Large-Scale Experiments in the Delta Flume

Overtopping wave loads on vertical structures on top of a dike have been investigated in several small scale experiments in the past. A large-scale validation for a mild foreshore situation is still missing. Hence the WALOWA experimental campaign was carried out to address this t ...
Een onderzoeksprogramma van de TU Delft, Universiteit van Twente en Wageningen Universiteit heeft diverse ontwerpaspecten van zogenoemde multifunctionele waterkeringen onder de loep genomen. Dit artikel belicht het technisch en ruimtelijk ontwerpproces van dergelijke keringen, en ...

Case Study: Wenduine, Belgium

Vulnerability of buildings on a coastal dike

On coastal dikes in Belgium, many residential buildings are found. Most of the old buildings are masonry structures with two to three floors (Figure 1). The ground floors are always elevated (Figure 2), and the entrances of the basements are closed by shutters (Figure 3). The mos ...
Wave overtopping is one of the key parameters for designing coastal structures: the crest level is usually determined using admissible overtopping discharges. Several formulae already exist for wave overtopping assessment that predict the average overtopping discharge per meter w ...
The impact force induced by waves overtopping a dike with a vertical wall on its crest, and with a shallow foreshore seaward of the dike, was studied. To this end, physical model tests were performed in a wave flume at a typical scale of 1:25. The goal of this study was to develo ...
Due to climate change, sea level rise, increasing frequency and intensity of storms, and growing population in low-lying coastal regions, the risk of flooding is expected to increase. Owing to these developments, maintenance and adaption of the existing coastal flood defence is o ...