B. W. Borsje

26 records found

Sand waves are found on shallow, sandy seabeds throughout the world and their dynamics may pose an imminent threat to offshore construction. Therefore, there is a pressing need to understand bed level dynamics in sand wave areas. These bed level dynamics lead to variations in san ...
Nature-based coastal protection is increasingly recognised as a potentially sustainable and cost-effective solution to reduce coastal flood risk. It uses coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forests to create resilient designs for coastal flood protection. However, to use mangrove ...

Modeling Decadal Salt Marsh Development

Variability of the Salt Marsh Edge Under Influence of Waves and Sediment Availability

Salt marshes can contribute to coastal protection, but the magnitude of the protection depends on the width of the marsh. The cross-shore width of the marsh is to a large extent determined by the delicate balance between seaward expansion and landward retreat. The influence of th ...
Tidal flats provide valuable ecosystem services such as flood protection and carbon sequestration. Erosion and accretion processes govern the ecogeomorphic evolution of intertidal ecosystems (marshes and bare flats) and, hence, substantially affect their valuable ecosystem servic ...

Review article

Towards a context-driven research: A state-of-the-art review of resilience research on climate change

The twofold aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the current state of resilience research with regard to climate change in the social sciences and propose a research agenda. Resilience research among social scientists is characterized by much more diversity today than a ...
Foreshores consisting of both bare tidal flats and vegetated salt marshes are found worldwide and they are well studied for their wave attenuating capacity. However, most studies only focus on the small scale: just some isolated locations in space and only up to several years in ...
The composition of benthic species communities in the nearshore zone is closely related to the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic conditions. Sustainable management of the coastal ecosystem requires knowledge about the natural dynamics as well as human-induced changes on the ecosyste ...

Salt marshes for flood risk reduction

Quantifying long-term effectiveness and life-cycle costs

Flood risks are increasing worldwide due to climate change and ongoing economic and demographic development in coastal areas. Salt marshes can function as vegetated foreshores that reduce wave loads on coastal structures such as dikes and dams, thereby mitigating current and futu ...
Understanding the abiotic factors governing salt marsh dynamics is crucial to incorporate such ecosystems in holistic coastal risk management (Bouma et al, 2014). Process-based modelling of these ecosystems can help to gain insight into their response to changing environmental co ...
In Nederland zijn honderden kilometers aan waterkering toe aan versterking. De aanleg van begroeide vooroevers, zoals schorren en kwelders, is een mogelijkheid om de belasting op dijken te verminderen. Daarmee dalen overstromingsrisico’s en gaan natuurwaarden omhoog.@en
Living near estuaries comes with flood risks from riverine and coastal sources, nevertheless the population density is high and still growing. The population and assets are generally protected by conventional coastal measures, which are challenged by increased storm intensity and ...

Assessing safety of nature-based flood defenses

Dealing with extremes and uncertainties

Vegetated foreshores adjacent to engineered structures (so-called hybrid flood defenses), are considered to have high potential in reducing flood risk, even in the face of sea level rise and increasing storminess. However, foreshores such as salt marshes and mangrove forests are ...

Corrigendum to “Stem breakage of salt marsh vegetation under wave forcing

A field and model study” [Estuar. Coast Shelf Sci. 200 (2018) 41–58] (S0272771417303918) (10.1016/j.ecss.2017.09.028))

The authors regret that the correct affiliation of co-author Zhenchang Zhu should be ‘Department of Estuarine and Delta Systems, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and Utrecht University, 4400AC, Yerseke, The Netherlands’. The authors would like to apologise for any inc ...
This paper aims to fundamentally assess the resilience of salt marsh-mudflat systems under sea level rise. We applied an open-source schematized 2D area model (Delft3D) that couples intertidal flow, wave-action, sediment transport, geomorphological development with a population d ...

Quantifying Bed Level Change at the Transition of Tidal Flat and Salt Marsh

Can We Understand the Lateral Location of the Marsh Edge?

Bed level dynamics at the interface of the salt marsh and tidal flat have been highlighted as a key factor connecting the long-term biogeomorphological development of the marsh to large-scale physical forcing. Hence, we aim to obtain insight into the factors confining the locatio ...
One of the services provided by coastal ecosystems is wave attenuation by vegetation, and subsequent reduction of wave loads on flood defense structures. Therefore, stability of vegetation under wave forcing is an important factor to consider. This paper presents a model which de ...
The sandy seabed of shallow coastal shelf seas displays morphological patterns of various dimensions. The seabed also harbors a rich ecosystem. Increasing pressure from human-induced disturbances necessitates further study on drivers of benthic community distributions over morpho ...
The aim of this paper is to optimize power cable routing in a wind farm based on the expected morphological behaviour in the design lifetime of an offshore wind farm. Up to now methods to optimize cable route layout in offshore wind farms are only based on a flat seabed and do no ...

Nature-based flood protection

The efficiency of vegetated foreshores for reducing wave loads on coastal dikes

This paper analyses the effect of vegetation on wave damping under severe storm conditions, based on a combination of field measurements and numerical modelling. The field measurements of wave attenuation by vegetation were performed on two salt marshes with two representative bu ...