Maarten G. Kleinhans

14 records found

Water and mass transport in distributary channel networks play an important role in nourishing fluvial and coastal wetlands, and are largely determined by the morphological configurations of channel bifurcations. While the morphological equilibrium of a single channel bifurcation ...
A river bifurcation is critical for distributing water, sediment and nutrients to the downstream branches of deltaic river networks. However, the downstream branches of a bifurcation can be linked by a connecting channel cutting through deltaic floodplains. The floodplain connect ...
We investigate pathways of sediment diffusion for a Gaussian-shaped sand mound subjected to monochromatic waves. Our unique results nearly close the sediment budget by quantifying each of the sediment transport processes responsible for mound diffusion associated with sediment fl ...
Nature-based coastal protection is increasingly recognised as a potentially sustainable and cost-effective solution to reduce coastal flood risk. It uses coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forests to create resilient designs for coastal flood protection. However, to use mangrove ...
Tidal marshes play an important role in climate change mitigation through natural coastal protection. The effectiveness of the natural coastal defense by tidal marshes is closely related to their channel network which is in turn greatly influenced by their vegetation cover and sh ...
Meandering rivers are abundant on Earth, from the largest rivers to the smallest tributaries. The classical view of meandering rivers is a sinuous planform with rounded bends, which grow and migrate until they are cut-off. However, many low-energy meandering rivers have planforms ...
Vessel-induced waves affect the morphology and ecology of banks and shorelines around the world. In rivers used as waterways, ship passages contribute to the erosion of unprotected banks, but their short- and long-term impacts remain unclear. This work investigates the effects of ...
Side channels are commonly constructed to reduce the flood risk or to increase the ecological value of a river. Such artificial side channels generally aggrade. We categorize the development of side channels based on the sediment that is deposited in these channels. Based on this ...
Distinct bankline patterns appeared after the removal of protection works along a navigable reach of the Meuse River. A series of oblique embayments now dominate the riverine landscape after ten years of bank erosion, but their location and asymmetry cannot be explained yet. This ...
In recent years, many riverbanks in Europe had their protections removed to reactivate natural erosion processes and improve riparian habitats. Yet, other river functions may be affected, such as navigation and flood conveyance. The quantification and prediction of erosion rates ...
We apply structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry with imagery from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to measure bank erosion processes along a mid-sized river reach. This technique offers a unique set of characteristics compared to previously used methods to monitor banks, such ...
Large-scale morphology, in particular meander bend depth, bar dimensions, and bifurcation dynamics, are greatly affected by the deflection of sediment transport on transverse bed slopes due to gravity and by secondary flows. Overestimating the transverse bed slope effect in morph ...
Side channel construction is a common intervention applied to increase a river's conveyance capacity and to increase its ecological value. Past modelling efforts suggest two mechanisms affecting the morphodynamic change of a side channel: (1) a difference in channel slope between ...