
B.G. van Vuren

22 records found

Worldwide, rivers provide important socio-economic and environmental functions and are essential to human well-being. The growing demand of user-functions and the change in river conditions due to large-scale morphology and climate change, increase the pressure on lowland river s ...
Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) is responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the low-land river systems in the Netherlands. These systems need to reconcile a number of functions, such as protection against floods and provision of safe and efficient navigation, ...
The summer and autumn of 2018 showed the negative drawback of both low-flow conditions and bed degradation over the last century in the Dutch Rhine. This resulted in record-breaking low water levels, extreme low navigation depth and subsequently nautical problems. The Rhine’s lon ...

Assessing safety of nature-based flood defenses

Dealing with extremes and uncertainties

Vegetated foreshores adjacent to engineered structures (so-called hybrid flood defenses), are considered to have high potential in reducing flood risk, even in the face of sea level rise and increasing storminess. However, foreshores such as salt marshes and mangrove forests are ...
This article highlights recent developments in flood risk management in the Netherlands and presents approaches for reliability analysis and asset management for flood defences and hydraulic infrastructure. The functioning of this infrastructure is of great importance for the cou ...
This paper describes a fully probabilistic safety assessment of the Dutch North Sea coast, in which stochastic properties of both hydraulic loads and strength of the flood defences have been taken into account. The study has led to an overview of failure probabilities along the c ...
The one-dimensional model provides useful insight inm impacts of regulatory design parameters of longitudinal training dams. Preliminary conclusions include: 1. Adjusting the inlet weir height could influence the discharge distribution towards the side channel between 1% (fully c ...
This article highlights recent developments in the flood risk management in the Netherlands and approaches for asset and life cycle management for flood defences and hydraulic infrastructures. The functioning of these infrastructures is of great importance for the country as larg ...

With the intention to reduce the negative  effects of ongoing bed erosion, as well as to  improve several other river functions such as  protection against floods, provision of safe and  efficient navigation and ecology, a ‘pilot project  longitud ...

Over the course of centuries, river systems have been heavily trained for the purpose of safe discharge of water, sediment and ice, and improves navigation. Traditionally, dikes are used to be reinforced and heightened to protect countries from ever higher flood levels. Other typ ...

Nature-based flood protection

Using vegetated foreshores for reducing coastal risk

Vegetated foreshores such as salt marshes, mangrove forests and reed fields can reduce wave loads on coastal dikes due to depth-induced wave breaking and wave attenuation by vegetation. Here we present field measurements of wave propagation over salt marshes during severe storm c ...
Elk groot waterproject kent zowel voordelen als bezwaren, zo ook het bejubelde Ruimte voor de Rivier. Door de nieuwe graafpartijen worden bij hoogwater de sedimentatiepatronen in het zomerbed onregelmatiger, waardoor er meer baggerwerk voor de scheepvaart nodig is. Gelukkig is er ...