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L.M. Hermans

112 records found

Groundwater management is a complex task that includes a multitude of actors. It is even more complicated in water scarce countries with less well-established formal water governance structures. In these settings, local government officers have been recognised for their essential ...

Policy integration by implementation

Lessons from frontline staff policy practices around small-scale gold mining in Liberia

Environmental policy integration is needed to ensure environmental policy goals are being realized, given their cross-sectoral nature. Most of the published research has focused on integration and coherence of (inter)national policies, plans, and programs. The implementation prac ...
Peri-urban transformations in emerging economies like India demand scientific attention given their impact on global environmental change processes. Some studies examine past or ongoing peri-urban adaptation processes, but insight into future adaptation needs and aspirations of p ...

A Delphi-based methodology for participatory adaptation pathways building with local stakeholders

Methodological considerations and an illustrative application in peri-urban India

Adaptation pathways is a planning approach used to design flexible, long-term strategies for dealing with future uncertainty. However, emphasis on how to discuss pathways elements with stakeholders during the pathways building process is under-represented in the existing pathways ...

Socio-hydrological approach for farmer adaptability to hydrological changes

A case study in salinity-controlled areas of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

The Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) is an example of a complex dynamic socio-hydrological system in which societies and hydrology interact and co-evolve. The dominant engineering approach in the VMD has enhanced the dynamics of society and hydrology. This study looks at the implica ...


Planning for livelihoods under hydrosocial uncertainty in periurban Pune(Front. Water, (2022), 4, (831464), 10.3389/frwa.2022.831464)

In the published article, there was an error in the author list, and authors “Sharlene L. Gomes, Shreya Chakraborty, and Leon M. Hermans” were erroneously excluded. The corrected author list appears below. “Sarah Luft Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute for Geo ...

Power and empowerment in transdisciplinary research

A negotiated approach for peri-urban groundwater problems in the Ganges Delta

The co-creation of knowledge through a process of mutual learning between scientists and societal actors is an important avenue to advance science and resolve complex problems in society. While the value and principles for such transdisciplinary water research have been well esta ...

Cooperating for added value

Using participatory game theory in implementing nature-based flood defences

The increasingly active role of stakeholders in the development of innovative nature-based solutions calls for appropriate instruments to support and realise added value from their involvement. In this paper we apply a newly developed instrument “Cooperation for Added Value” (Co- ...
Socio-hydrology has expanded and been effective in exposing the hydrological community to ideas and approaches from other scientific disciplines, and social sciences in particular. Yet it still has much to explore regarding how to capture human agency and how to combine different ...
Most climate adaptation plans expect stakeholders to change their behavior as part of building resilience. Given its long-term and complex nature, monitoring and evaluation is a key requisite for climate adaptation planning. So far, behavioral aspects have received only limited a ...
Policy of Multi-Actor Systems is an introduction into the art of craft of problem exploration and problem structuring. It positions policy analysis as a scientific discipline focused on systems analysis in a multi-actor context to support better informed decision-making. The appr ...

Assessing the societal adoptability of participatory water management

An application of the Motivation and Ability (MOTA) framework

Exploring whether society is sufficiently equipped and motivated to adopt planned interventions is vital for modern plan development trajectories. The Motivation and Ability (MOTA) framework offers a tool to assess the societal adoptability of plans by exploring stakeholders' mot ...

Adaptive Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Long-Term Impact

Insights From a Water Supply Case in Bangladesh

Most water and development interventions aim to contribute to long-term sustainable impacts. Given the uncertainties involved in these longer-term water development projects, adaptive planning approaches hold promise to connect planning, implementation and evaluation. Recent inno ...
India’s urbanisation results in the physical and societal transformation of the areas sur-rounding cities. These periurban interfaces are spaces of flows, shaped by an exchange of matter, people and ideas between urban and rural spaces—and currently they are zones in transition. ...
Nature-based flood defence is an innovative design alternative for achieving protection against flooding. Despite significant advancements in science, models and concepts, routine implementation beyond pilot projects remains limited. To better understand why, we have looked into ...
Sustainable livelihood development is an ongoing challenge worldwide, and has regained importance due to threats of water shortages and climate change. To cope with changing climatic, demographic and market conditions in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta (VMD) an agricultural transformation ...

Crossing the Frontiers

Transdisciplinary Research and the Negotiated Approach for Peri-Urban Groundwater Management in the Indo-Gangetic Delta

In this publication, we share our experiences with combining transdisciplinary research with the Negotiated Approached to address the challenges in groundwater management in peri-urban villages near Khulna, Bangladesh and near Kolkata, India. From 2014 – 2019, our team of researc ...
In Nederland zijn honderden kilometers aan waterkering toe aan versterking. De aanleg van begroeide vooroevers, zoals schorren en kwelders, is een mogelijkheid om de belasting op dijken te verminderen. Daarmee dalen overstromingsrisico’s en gaan natuurwaarden omhoog.@en

Handreiking Meerwaarde van Samenwerken

Een participatief instrument voor het vormen van coalities

Deze Handreiking presenteert het participatief instrument Meerwaarde van Samenwerken dat binnen de kaders van het Hoogwaterbeschermingsprogramma (HWBP) is toegepast in het gebied Noard-Fryslân Bûtendyks in opdracht van de POV Waddenzeedijken. Het instrument is geschikt voor alle ...