
B.A. van de Walle

28 records found

Humanitarian crises, such as the 2014 West Africa Ebola epidemic, challenge information management and thereby threaten the digital resilience of the responding organizations. Crisis information management (CIM) is characterised by the urgency to respond despite the uncertainty o ...

Adaptive Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Long-Term Impact

Insights From a Water Supply Case in Bangladesh

Most water and development interventions aim to contribute to long-term sustainable impacts. Given the uncertainties involved in these longer-term water development projects, adaptive planning approaches hold promise to connect planning, implementation and evaluation. Recent inno ...
Rumour is a collective emergent phenomenon with a potential for provoking a crisis. Modelling approaches have been deployed since five decades ago; however, the focus was mostly on epidemic behaviour of the rumours which does not take into account the differences between agents. ...

The coordination‐information bubble in humanitarian response

Theoretical foundations and empirical investigations

Humanitarian disasters are highly dynamic and uncertain. The shifting situation, volatility of information, and the emergence of decision processes and coordination structures require humanitarian organizations to continuously adapt their operations. In this study, we aim to make ...
Resilient critical airport infrastructures affected by a disaster need to sustain minimal functionality and quickly resume full operation, while at the same time coping with the increased operational demands imposed by the unfolding disaster response. In this paper, we develop a ...

Design for societal resilience

The risk evaluation diversity-aiding approach (RED-A)

The global impacts of disaster risks are on the rise. Moreover, evidence shows that the severity of damage will increase exponentially. In 2019, there were 395 natural disasters that caused 11,755 deaths. Literature and practice indicate that diversification of disaster risk mana ...
In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, local and international aid organisations deploy to deliver life-saving aid to the affected population. Yet pre-disaster road maps and road transportation models do not capture disruptions to the transportation network caused by the disas ...

Detecting rumours in disasters

An imbalanced learning approach

The online spread of rumours in disasters can create panic and anxiety and disrupt crisis operations. Hence, it is crucial to take measure against such a distressing phenomenon since it can turn into a crisis by itself. In this work, the automatic rumour detection in natural disa ...
The Kenyan government has made significant advances in water resources management at the local authority (county) level with little or no cooperation at the drainage basin level. Research on critical determinants of cooperation amongst transboundary water negotiation teams is lim ...
Humanitarian organizations are increasingly challenged by the amount of data available to drive their decisions. Useful data can come from many sources, exists in different formats, and merging it into a basis for analysis and planning often exceeds organizations’ capacities and ...

Sustainability indicators

Monitoring cross-county water cooperation in the Nzoia river basin, Kenya

Kenya Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) Impact Report indicates a stagnation in water coverage at 55 percent, for the last three years, contrary to the 2015 target of 80 percent. One main reason for the stagnation is weak cross-county cooperation between hydrologically int ...
This paper concentrates on methods to facilitate interaction and exchange knowledge between different expert groups. The specific case examined is on expert groups from the aviation and humanitarian context. Both are highly complex, multidisciplinary systems where stakeholders wo ...
The effectiveness of machine learning algorithms depends on the quality and amount of data and the operationalization and interpretation by the human analyst. In humanitarian response, data is often lacking or overburdening, thus ambiguous, and the time-scarce, volatile, insecure ...
This study addresses the problem of rumour scarcity versus non-rumour abundance in automatic rumour detection. To tackle this issue, we portray rumour as an anomaly by showing how disproportionate is the number of rumours versus non-rumours. This imbalance is scrutinized by compa ...
Rumor spreading in online social networks can inflict serious damages on individual, organizational, and societal levels. This problem has been addressed via computational approach in recent years. The dominant computational technique for the identification of rumors is the binar ...
Nzoia river basin county governments barely cooperate in water resources management to jointly increase the basin's food and energy productivity levels, due to limited trust. In this paper, we propose a game-based approach that can be replicated in any river basin, to assess trus ...

Cold chains, interrupted

The use of technology and information for decisions that keep humanitarian vaccines cool

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze how far technology and information enable, facilitate or support the planning and implementation decisions in humanitarian vaccine cold chains for vaccination campaigns. The authors specifically focus on three emerging technologies ...

Equitable and Reasonable Utilization

Reconstructing the Nile BasinWater Allocation Dialogue

Equitable and reasonable utilization is a core principle in the distribution of water resources. However, its practical application in the Nile Basin has been a significant challenge, leading to a water allocation deadlock. To address the deadlock, we used the van Eeten (1999) fo ...
The incidence of natural disasters worldwide is increasing. As a result, a growing number of people is in need of humanitarian support, for which limited resources are available. This requires an effective and efficient prioritization of the most vulnerable people in the prepared ...

From Paris Agreement to action

Enhancing climate change familiarity and situation awareness

The Paris Agreement was a monumental stride towards global climate change governance. It unlocked the climate change gridlock, introducing country-subjective commitments and a five-year review mechanism. To support the implementation of the Paris Agreement, we designed the Nzoia ...