C.M. Jonker

358 records found

Purpose The objective of this paper is to develop a redesigned commissioning process for social care services that fosters integrated care, encourages collaboration and balances professional expertise with client engagement. Design/methodology/approach This study employs a two ...
Presenting high-level arguments is a crucial task for fostering participation in online societal discussions. Current argument summarization approaches miss an important facet of this task-capturing diversity-which is important for accommodating multiple perspectives. We introduc ...
We adopt an emerging and prominent vision of human-centred Artificial Intelligence that requires building trustworthy intelligent systems. Such systems should be capable of dealing with the challenges of an interconnected, globalised world by handling plurality and by abiding by ...


An Integrated Python-based Automated Negotiation Framework with Enhanced Assessment Components

The complexity of automated negotiation research calls for dedicated, user-friendly research frameworks that facilitate advanced analytics, comprehensive loggers, visualization tools, and auto-generated domains and preference profiles. This paper introduces NegoLog, a platform th ...

Commissioning for integration

Exploring the dynamics of the “subsidy tables” approach in Dutch social care delivery

Purpose: The objective of this paper is to develop a redesigned commissioning process for social care services that fosters integrated care, encourages collaboration and balances professional expertise with client engagement. Design/methodology/approach: This study employs a two- ...
Large-scale survey tools enable the collection of citizen feedback in opinion corpora. Extracting the key arguments from a large and noisy set of opinions helps in understanding the opinions quickly and accurately. Fully automated methods can extract arguments but (1) require lar ...
Appropriate trust is an important component of the interaction between people and AI systems, in that "inappropriate"trust can cause disuse, misuse, or abuse of AI. To foster appropriate trust in AI, we need to understand how AI systems can elicit appropriate levels of trust from ...
Relevancy is a prevalent term in value alignment. We either need to keep track of the relevant moral reasons, we need to embed the relevant values, or we need to learn from the relevant behaviour. What relevancy entails in particular cases, however, is often ill-defined. The reas ...
Epistemic logic can be used to reason about statements such as ‘I know that you know that I know that φ ’. In this logic, and its extensions, it is commonly assumed that agents can reason about epistemic statements of arbitrary nesting depth. In contrast, empirical findings on Th ...
Appropriate Trust in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems has rapidly become an important area of focus for both researchers and practitioners. Various approaches have been used to achieve it, such as confidence scores, explanations, trustworthiness cues, or uncertainty communica ...

Nudging human drivers via implicit communication by automated vehicles

Empirical evidence and computational cognitive modeling

Understanding behavior of human drivers in interactions with automated vehicles (AV) can aid the development of future AVs. Existing investigations of such behavior have predominantly focused on situations in which an AV a priori needs to take action because the human has the rig ...

Interdependence and trust analysis (ITA)

A framework for human–machine team design

As machines' autonomy increases, the possibilities for collaboration between a human and a machine also increase. In particular, tasks may be performed with varying levels of interdependence, i.e. from independent to joint actions. The feasibility of each type of interdependence ...
As machines' autonomy increases, their capacity to learn and adapt to humans in collaborative scenarios increases too. In particular, machines can use artificial trust (AT) to make decisions, such as task and role allocation/selection. However, the outcome of such decisions and t ...
Disagreements are common in online societal deliberation and may be crucial for effective collaboration, for instance in helping users understand opposing viewpoints. Although there exist automated methods for recognizing disagreement, a deeper understanding of factors that influ ...
With the growing capabilities and pervasiveness of AI systems, societies must collectively choose between reduced human autonomy, endangered democracies and limited human rights, and AI that is aligned to human and social values, nurturing collaboration, resilience, knowledge and ...
In teams composed of humans, we use trust in others to make decisions, such as what to do next, who to help and who to ask for help. When a team member is artificial, they should also be able to assess whether a human teammate is trustworthy for a certain task. We see trustworthi ...
As human-machine teams become a more common scenario, we need to ensure mutual trust between humans and machines. More important than having trust, we need all teammates to trust each other appropriately. This means that they should not overtrust or undertrust each other, avoidin ...
Sequential decision making, commonly formalized as Markov Decision Process (MDP) optimization, is an important challenge in artificial intelligence. Two key approaches to this problem are reinforcement learning (RL) and planning. This survey is an integration of both fields, bett ...

Normative uncertainty and societal preferences

The problem with evaluative standards

Many technological systems these days interact with their environment with increasingly little human intervention. This situation comes with higher stakes and consequences that society needs to manage. No longer are we dealing with 404 pages: AI systems today may cause serious ha ...
An international competition for negotiating agents has been organized for years to facilitate research in agent-based negotiation and to encourage the design of negotiating agents that can operate in various scenarios. The 13th International Automated Negotiating Agents Competit ...