R.S. Verhagen
6 records found
Introduction: Humans and robots are increasingly collaborating on complex tasks such as firefighting. As robots are becoming more autonomous, collaboration in human-robot teams should be combined with meaningful human control. Variable autonomy approaches can ensure meaningful hu
In human-machine teams, the strengths and weaknesses of both team members result in dependencies, opportunities, and requirements to collaborate. Managing these interdependence relationships is crucial for teamwork, as it is argued that they facilitate accurate trust calibration.
As human-machine teams become a more common scenario, we need to ensure mutual trust between humans and machines. More important than having trust, we need all teammates to trust each other appropriately. This means that they should not overtrust or undertrust each other, avoidin
For human-agent teams to be successful, agent explanations are crucial. These explanations should ideally be personalized by adapting them to intended human users. So far, little work has been conducted on personalized agent explanations during human-agent teamwork. Therefore, an
Humans and robots are increasingly working together in human-robot teams. Teamwork requires communication, especially when interdependence between team members is high. In previous work, we identified a conceptual difference between sharing what you are doing (i.e., being transpa
Because of recent and rapid developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), humans and AI-systems increasingly work together in human-agent teams. However, in order to effectively leverage the capabilities of both, AI-systems need to be understandable to their human teammates. The