M.A. Neerincx

339 records found

To increase the effectiveness of behavior change applications, a large variety of algorithms has been developed to adapt what the applications offer, when, how, and with whom. Given the multitude of challenges related to the concept of algorithmic behavior change support, its dev ...

Explainable AI for All

A Roadmap for Inclusive XAI for people with Cognitive Disabilities

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, setting specific requirements for responsible development and deployment: The AI should be explainable and inclusive. Despite substantial research and development investment in explainable AI, there is a l ...
Social interactions form an essential aspect of people’s life, however, it is quite challenging for individuals to handle a wide range of social situations. Therefore, a variety of training systems have been developed to improve their skills. This literature review seeks to give ...

Memory with Meaning

Enabling Value-Centric Long-Term Human-Agent Dialogue

When a human makes a decision, an observer may want to understand the reasons and motivations behind the decision. This understanding is important when IVAs are involved in contextual decision-making or coaching practices. To address this challenge, we propose that an agent’s und ...
A majority of employees over the age of 40 have hypertension, impacting their health and performance. A two-week self-management support (SMS) intervention was tested, with daily feedback and microlearning cycles to improve health self-management competences. On average, particip ...
Hypertension is a condition affecting most people over 45 years old. Health Self-Management offers many opportunities for prevention and cure. However, most scientific health literature is unknown by health professionals and/or patients. Per year about 200.000 new scientific pape ...

A Little Chit-Chat Goes a Long Way

Design and Evaluation of Task-and Person-Oriented Styles for Social Robots

Whereas the reception task is a promising application domain for social robots, knowledge is lacking about how to design the appropriate re-usable communication styles for a reception robot. This paper presents the use and evaluation of an iterative interaction-design (ID) method ...
Artificial Intelligence systems are more and more being introduced into first response; however, this introduction needs to be done responsibly. While generic claims on what this entails already exist, more details are required to understand the exact nature of responsible applic ...
Fire fighters operate in a dangerous, dynamic, and complex environment. Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems can contribute to improve fire fighters' situation awareness and decision-making. However, the introduction of AI systems needs to be done responsibly, taking (human) valu ...
This full-day workshop focuses on advancing research and development in socially-competent agents that care. Many agent platforms and kinds of embodiments of agents that have a primary focus on caring, one way or another, for the end users. In this workshop, we aim to look at val ...
In human-machine teams, the strengths and weaknesses of both team members result in dependencies, opportunities, and requirements to collaborate. Managing these interdependence relationships is crucial for teamwork, as it is argued that they facilitate accurate trust calibration. ...

Enabling Embodied Human-Robot Co-Learning

Requirements, Method, and Test With Handover Task

Despite a large body of research on robot learning, it has not yet been thoroughly studied how collaborating humans and robots learn reciprocally. In such situations, both humans and robots continuously learn about each other and the task through interaction. This letter addresse ...
Introduction: Humans and robots are increasingly collaborating on complex tasks such as firefighting. As robots are becoming more autonomous, collaboration in human-robot teams should be combined with meaningful human control. Variable autonomy approaches can ensure meaningful hu ...
We outline two points of criticism. Firstly, we argue that robots do constitute a separate category of beings in people's minds rather than being mere depictions of non-robotic characters. Secondly, we find that (semi-)automatic processes underpinning communicative interaction pl ...
Social robots can support children in their socio-emotional development [38]. To improve the cooperation between a child and a social robot, a good relationship is vital. Self-disclosure is an essential element for building personal relationships. Yet, knowledge about the effects ...
Intelligent tutoring systems need a model of learning goals for the personalization of educational content, tailoring of the learning path, progress monitoring, and adaptive feedback. This article presents such a model and corresponding interaction designs for the coaches and lea ...
Hypertension Self-Management is more powerful when done in groups, and with daily (e)Support for maximum impact. Small intervention groups enable high degrees of personalization, interaction, and learning. We compare three Self-Management Support (SMS) pilots of two weeks duratio ...
With artificial intelligence (AI) systems entering our working and leisure environments with increasing adaptation and learning capabilities, new opportunities arise for developing hybrid (human-AI) intelligence (HI) systems, comprising new ways of collaboration. However, there i ...
When humans and AI-agents collaborate, they need to continuously learn about each other and the task. We propose a Team Design Pattern that utilizes adaptivity in the behavior of human and agent team partners, causing new Collaboration Patterns to emerge. Human-AI Co-Learning tak ...
Assistive robots are expected to contribute to the solution of major societal problems in healthcare, such as the increasing number of elderly who need informal and professional care over a long period of time. Most of the research focuses on the development of humanlike robots t ...