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R.I.J. Dobbe

33 records found


Values, such as freedom and safety, are the core motivations that guide us humans. A prerequisite for creating value-aligned multiagent systems that involve humans and artificial agents is value inference, the process of identifying values and reasoning about human value prefe ...

Algorithmic and data-driven systems are increasingly used in the public sector to improve the efficiency of existing services or to provide new services through the newfound capacity to process vast volumes of data. Unfortunately, certain instances also have negative consequences ...
As AI technology becomes more powerful, the impact on governance and the governance of AI becomes more important. The purpose of this panel is to bring together experts on Trustworthy AI and E-Governance to discuss the lessons learned so far and the challenges ahead. The goal is ...
As artificial agents become increasingly embedded in our society, we must ensure that their behavior aligns with human values. Value alignment entails value inference, the process of identifying values and reasoning about how humans prioritize values. We introduce a holistic fram ...
This chapter formulates seven lessons for preventing harm in artificial intelligence (AI) systems based on insights from the field of system safety for software-based automation in safety-critical domains. New applications of AI across societal domains and public organizations an ...
Various AI systems have taken a unique space in our daily lives, helping us in decision-making in critical as well as non-critical scenarios. Although these systems are widely adopted across different sectors, they have not been used to their full potential in critical domains su ...

Dismantling Digital Cages

Examining Design Practices for Public Algorithmic Systems

Algorithmic systems used in public administration can create or reinforce digital cages. A digital cage refers to algorithmic systems or information architectures that create their own reality through formalization, frequently resulting in incorrect automated decisions with sever ...

As AI systems are integrated into high stakes social domains, researchers now examine how to design and operate them in a safe and ethical manner. However, the criteria for identifying and diagnosing safety risks in complex social contexts remain unclear and contested. In this ...

Real-time data-driven optimization and control problems over networks, such as in traffic or energy systems, may require sensitive information of participating agents to calculate solutions and decision variables. Adversaries with access to coordination signals may potentially de ...


Towards an equitable solar energy transition

On reaching the solar climate goals in Amsterdam - a socioeconomic perspective on solar energy adoption using a data-driven modeling technique

To combat the effects of climate change, there is a worldwide shift to reduced emissions and increased use of renewable energy sources. Solar energy is a vital part of this transition and necessary to be able to achieve the targets. The rapid pace of adaptation raises questions a ...

Redesigning Social Media

Limiting Self-Radicalisation caused by YouTube's Recommendation Algorithm

Solidarity in EV charging

A discrete choice experiment to assess interest in charging schemes

Currently, the electricity grid in the Netherlands is reaching its capacity, resulting in congestion issues. One of the factors that causes the electricity grid to become overloaded is the increasing use of EVs (electric vehicles). A situation in which a large number of EV users ...
The use of Automated Decision Making (ADM) systems in the public sector will become increasingly prevalent in the future, making citizens increasingly likely to be confronted with decisions that have been made fully automatically, without human intervention. Ever more digitizatio ...

Citizen safety in governmental AI-supported decision-making

An explorative systems perspective using design science for innovative reaearch

Governmental AI-supported decision-making is paramount when impacting citizens. Citizens are subject to their government’s decision-making, which is crucial when they transact, as examining the transaction’s rightfulness is executed by the same government. Thus, control and monit ...

Situating Explainable AI in the socio-technical context

A system safety inspired approach to operationalizing explainability

Explainable AI is the field concerned with trying to make AI understandable to humans. While efforts have resulted in significant improvement in research and practical methods of Explainable AI, there is an urgent need for additional research and empirical studies. The academic r ...
To match supply from intermittent renewable energy sources (RES) with demand, it is proposed in literature to introduce flexibility in the electricity market of the future. Flexibility can be provided by energy storage, demand response and cross-border transmission. In this thesi ...

Guiding the specification of sociotechnical Machine Learning systems

Addressing vulnerabilities and challenges in Machine Learning practice

There is a need for a more comprehensive sociotechnical systems view on ML. Such a view looks at the development and use of an ML system in practice as being a sociotechnical ML system: "a system consisting of technical artefacts, human agents and institutions, in which a machine ...

Energy accounting of the black box

An exploratory study of the restrictions on accounting the energy consumption of training deep learning models in data centers

AI Governance in the City of Amsterdam

Scrutinising Vulnerabilities of Public Sector AI Systems

Scandals in which governmental ADM tools played a role, have recently brought
about political and societal debate about the potential harms to citizens that such automated systems potentially bring. This thesis focuses on ADM systems which contain an AI component. Based on th ...