L.B.M. Magnier
39 records found
How Many Times Should I Use My Reusable Packaging?
Exploring the Role of an Environmental Break-Even Point in Shaping Consumers’ Intention to Reuse
To see or not to see
The effect of observability of the recycled content on consumer adoption of products made from recycled materials
Data sufficient products
Speculative design explorations for sustainable digital futures
Developing reusable packaging for FMCG
Consumers’ perceptions of benefits and risks of refillable and returnable packaging systems
Sparking the Repair “Can-Do” Attitude
Enhancing Users’ Willingness to Repair through Design Support in Fault Diagnostics
Buying new or refurbished?
The influence of the product's durability and attractiveness, contamination risk and consumers' environmental concern on purchase intentions of refurbished and new products
Enhancing consumers’ willingness to repair electronic products
How design can nudge sustainable behaviour
aspiring designers who aim to design for values to disentangle how different
notions of value and values influence the design process, the design outcome,
and how the outcome is evaluated. The course ...
Reviving the milk man:
Consumers’ evaluations of circular reusable packaging offers