
R.B.R. van den Berge

8 records found

Product lifetime extension through design

Encouraging consumers to repair electronic products in a circular economy

Our production and consumption patterns of electronic products exceed the limits of what one planet can handle. Prolonging product lifetimes decreases the value losses caused by the destruction of existing products and lowers the amount of e-waste. Repair is an impactful strategy ...
Modularity represents a promising design strategy for product lifetime extension. Yet, the fact that products are physically designed to be repaired via such a modular design, does not mean consumers will act accordingly. Past research demonstrated promising results with current ...
Long-lasting electronic products contribute to a sustainable society; however, both expected and actual lifetimes are in decline. This research provides in-depth insights into consumers’ considerations about product lifetimes, barriers to extending lifetimes, and responses to a p ...

Sparking the Repair “Can-Do” Attitude

Enhancing Users’ Willingness to Repair through Design Support in Fault Diagnostics

Current production and consumption patterns of consumer electronics have a negative impact on our environment. Designers can contribute to changing these patterns with more sustainable product design. Prolonging product lifetimes can have a positive impact, for which repair is a ...
Product repair can decrease the ecological burden of consumer electronics by lengthening their lifetimes, but it is still too rarely practised by consumers. Design for behaviour change can motivate consumers to undertake repair activities. An increased level of repair self-effica ...
Consumers’ expectations about product lifetimes have an influence on the actual lifetimes. Promoting repairability and a product lifetime label can potentially encourage consumers to extend product lifetimes. In this paper, we present in-depth insights in how consumers make est ...
Many products are disposed of before they have reached the end of their functional life. New technological developments and trends in fashion seem to accelerate consumers’ replacement of products. From an environmental perspective, such early replacement is undesirable. In this p ...

Premature Product Replacement

An Exploration of the Reasons Why People Replace Products

Prolonging product lifetimes is a crucial aspect of the Circular Economy.Currently, a lot of products are replaced while still functioning or in need of (minor) repair. Although industry creates a demand for new products with the introduction of new technologies and promotion act ...