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113 records found


Bus gemist? Oh, ik neem de tram wel!

'Substitueerbaarheid': een nieuw concept voor transportgeografie?

In de bereikbaarheidsliteratuur is nauwelijks aandacht voor het ter beschikking hebben van alternatieven, en de waarde ervan voor bereikbaarheid. We stellen het begrip ‘substitueerbaarheid’ voor en definiëren het als ‘de mate waarin één of meerdere karakteristieken van de voorkeu ...
Introduction Stated Choice (SC) experiments are widely used to acquire understanding on choice behaviour. Nowadays, SC experiments are increasingly being based on so-called “efficient designs”. Efficient designs aim to generate stated choice tasks that maximize the collected inf ...

Specification of regret-based models of choice behaviour

Formal analyses and experimental design based evidence—commentary

A recent paper published in this journal compares two regret based choice models, and concludes that one of them is theoretically inferior and has a worse empirical performance in the context of a particular data set [Rasouli and Timmermans, Transportation 6:1–22, 2016]. Unfortun ...

Recent empirical evidence suggests that travellers are becoming increasingly multimodal. Coinciding with this trend, a growing interest can be observed in the transport literature to study the concept of multimodality. Most studies, in this regard, have focused on assessing th ...

As discrete choice models may be misspecified, it is crucial for choice modellers to have knowledge on the robustness of their modelling outcomes towards misspecification. This study investigates the robustness of Random Regret Minimization (RRM) modelling outcomes towards one ...

Bij beleidskeuzes over transportbeleid moet regelmatig een afweging worden gemaakt tussen reistijd en veiligheid. Een goed voorbeeld is het verhogen van de maximumsnelheid naar 130 kilometer per uur. Transporteconomen stellen het welvaartseffect van dergelijke maatregelen vast in ...

This paper investigates vacationers’ short-term responses to a sharp increase in transport costs. It aims to (1) acquire an understanding of the relative popularity of the different types of responses among vacationers and (2) explore whether there are distinct market segments ...

Verkeersmanagement door simulatie

Beter regelen dankzij nieuwe modelgebaseerde optimaliserende aanpak

Om de doorstroming in een netwerk te optimaliseren, moeten we verkeersmanagementmaatregelen in samenhang inzetten. Maar hoe bepaal je wat de optimale – meest samenhangende – inzet is? Lange tijd leek het ondoenlijk om zo’n regelprobleem met behulp van (microscopische) modelvoorsp ...
This paper derives a trick to account for variation in choice set size in Random Regret Minimization (RRM) models. In many choice situations the choice set size varies across choice observations. As in RRM models regret level differences increase with increasing choice set size, ...

Simulation study on impacts of high aviation carbon taxes on tourism

Application of portfolio vacation choice model

Aviation carbon taxes have occasionally been debated as a measure to curb aviation carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This paper presents a simulation study on the effects of high aviation carbon taxes on tourism and its related CO2 emissions. The paper inve ...