39 records found


The ability to automatically infer relevant aspects of human users' thoughts and feelings is crucial for technologies to intelligently adapt their behaviors in complex interactions. Research on multimodal analysis has demonstrated the potential of technology to provide such es ...

Collecting Mementos

A Multimodal Dataset for Context-Sensitive Modeling of Affect and Memory Processing in Responses to Videos

In this article we introduce Mementos: the first multimodal corpus for computational modeling of affect and memory processing in response to video content. It was collected online via crowdsourcing and captures 1995 individual responses collected from 297 unique viewers respon ...

The ability to automatically infer relevant aspects of human users' thoughts and feelings is crucial for technologies to adapt their behaviors in complex interactions intelligently (e.g., social robots or tutoring systems). Research on multimodal analysis has demonstrated the ...

Intelligent systems might benefit from automatically detecting when a stimulus has triggered a user's recollection of personal memories, e.g., to identify that a piece of media content holds personal significance for them. While computational research has demonstrated the pote ...

In competitive multiplayer online video games, teamwork is of utmost importance, implying high levels of interdependence between the joint outcomes of players. When engaging in such interdependent interactions, humans rely on trust to facilitate coordination of their individua ...

Towards Artificial Empathic Memory

Accounting for the Influence of Personal Memories in Automatic Predictions of Affect

Enabling computer-based applications to display intelligent behavior in complex social settings requires them to relate to important aspects of how humans experience and understand such situations. One crucial driver of peoples' social behavior during an interaction is the int ...

Empirical evidence suggests that the emotional meaning of facial behavior in isolation is often ambiguous in real-world conditions. While humans complement interpretations of others' faces with additional reasoning about context, automated approaches rarely display such contex ...

This paper contributes to the automatic estimation of the subjective emotional experience that audio-visual media content induces in individual viewers, e.g. to support affect-based recommendations. Making accurate predictions of these responses is a challenging task because of t ...

An important aspect of human emotion perception is the use of contextual information to understand others' feelings even in situations where their behavior is not very expressive or has an emotionally ambiguous meaning. For technology to successfully detect affect, it must mim ...

Combining self-reports in which individuals reflect on their thoughts and feelings (Experience Samples) with sensor data collected via ubiquitous monitoring can provide researchers and applications with detailed insights about human behavior and psychology. However, meaningfully ...

Artificial Empathic Memory

Enabling Media Technologies to Better Understand Subjective User Experience

An essential part of being an individual is our personal history, in particular our episodic memories. Episodic memories revolve around events that took place in a person’s past and are typically defined by a time, place, emotional associations, and other contextual information. ...


This research delves into the exploration of translation methods between affect representation schemes within the domain of text content analysis. We assess their performance on various affect analysis tasks while concurrently developing a robust evaluation framework. Furthermore ...
The objective of this report is to establish and present a machine learning model that effectively translates affect representation from emotional attributes such as arousal (passive versus active) and valence (negative versus positive) to dominance (weak versus strong). In the p ...
Mind-wandering happens when one's current train of thought, related to a specific task, is interrupted, due to internal disconnected thoughts. This phenomenon is highly subjective, and its detection is really important due to the internal understanding of the human mind that can ...
Mind wandering is a phenomenon that is used to describe moments where a person's attention appears to shift away to something that is not related to the primary task, which can have a negative influence on the task performance. In this research, the aim is to create a viable algo ...
The aim of this research is to discuss if it is possible or feasible enough to detect Mind-wandering of individuals using their hand and body movements from video recordings. The basis for this research is “Mementos”[9] data set, containing over 2000 recordings of people watching ...
Mind wandering occurs when a person’s attention unintentionally shifts away from their current thought or task. Being able to automatically detect cases of mind wandering can assist applications with attention retention, and help people with maintaining focus. Many methods have b ...
Spending time in front of screens has become an inescapable activity, which might be interrupted by unrelated external causes. While automatic approaches to identify mind-wandering (MW) have already been investigated, past research was done with self-reports or physiological data ...
Continuous affective self-reports are intrusive and expensive to acquire, forcing researchers to use alternative labels for the construction of their predictive models. The most predominantly used labels in literature are continuous perceived affective labels obtained using exter ...