The 5th Workshop on Modeling Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data in the Wild (MSECP-Wild)

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The ability to automatically infer relevant aspects of human users' thoughts and feelings is crucial for technologies to intelligently adapt their behaviors in complex interactions. Research on multimodal analysis has demonstrated the potential of technology to provide such estimates for a broad range of internal states and processes. However, constructing robust approaches for deployment in real-world applications remains an open problem. The MSECP-Wild workshop series is a multidisciplinary forum to present and discuss research addressing this challenge. Submissions to this 5th iteration span efforts relevant to multimodal data collection, modeling, and applications. In addition, our workshop program builds on discussions emerging in previous iterations, highlighting ethical considerations when building and deploying technology modeling internal states in the wild. For this purpose, we host a range of relevant keynote speakers and interactive activities.