J.A. de Bruijn
236 records found
Governing the development of CO2 electrolysis
How do we give an emerging technology a chance to contribute to a carbon neutral Europe?
Sustainability transition to a climate neutral economy requires the rapid development, testing and scaling of emerging technologies currently in their infancy. Carbon dioxide electrolysis is one such promising emerging technology to produce fossil-free fuels and chemicals for a s
The objective of this paper is to develop a redesigned commissioning process for social care services that fosters integrated care, encourages collaboration and balances professional expertise with client engagement.
This study employs a two
Commissioning for integration
Exploring the dynamics of the “subsidy tables” approach in Dutch social care delivery
Purpose: The objective of this paper is to develop a redesigned commissioning process for social care services that fosters integrated care, encourages collaboration and balances professional expertise with client engagement. Design/methodology/approach: This study employs a two-
Machine Learning algorithms and public decision-making
A conceptual overview
Machine learning (ML) algorithms have now entered public decision-making surrounded by enthusiasm, for the possible positive impact they may have on services and citizens. However, their introduction brings with it numerous problems that are left in the background or not even add
Urban water systems worldwide need integrated, cross-sectoral innovations to anticipate developments like climate change and population growth. Development and implementation of such innovations is challenging due to the operational and sectoral mindset of organizations in which
Towards closed carbon loop fermentations
Cofeeding of Yarrowia lipolytica with glucose and formic acid
A novel fermentation process was developed in which renewable electricity is indirectly used as an energy source in fermentation, synergistically decreasing both the consumption of sugar as a first generation carbon source and emission of the greenhouse gas CO2. As an
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the papers in this special issue on humans, algorithms and data. The authors first set themselves the task of identifying the main challenges arising from the adoption and use of algorithms and data analytics in management, accou
The perils and pitfalls of explainable AI
Strategies for explaining algorithmic decision-making
Governments look at explainable artificial intelligence's (XAI) potential to tackle the criticisms of the opaqueness of algorithmic decision-making with AI. Although XAI is appealing as a solution for automated decisions, the wicked nature of the challenges governments face compl
The storage of renewable electricity in chemical bonds is a compelling technological option that combines flexibility with the synthesis of high energy-dense fuels and chemicals and may use CO2 as raw material. The electrochemical conversion of CO2 is not yet a mature technology.
Public perceptions of emergent low-carbon technologies, such as geothermal energy, impact the speed of energy transitions. Such perceptions are largely shaped by how the media portray such technologies. This paper reports on how geothermal energy has been framed in two prominent
Towards the integrated management of urban water systems
Conceptualizing integration and its uncertainties
Climate change and urbanization, as well as growing environmental and economic concerns, highlight the limitations of traditional wastewater practices and thereby challenge the management of urban water systems. Both in theory and in practice, it has been widely acknowledged that
De toekomst van het stedelijk watersysteem
Opereren in een stad vol transities
Gedreven door ontwikkelingen zoals klimaatverandering, verstedelijking en digitalisering zien we in het stedelijk watersysteem steeds vaker oplossingen ‘buiten de buis’. Oplossingen zoals publieke pleinen met een waterbergende functie, polderdaken met een dynamische waterberging,
Getting what you want - even if you are the boss - isn’t always easy. Almost every organization, big or small, works among a network of competing interests. Whether it’s governments pushing through policies, companies trying to increase profits, or even families deciding where to
Collaboration patterns in the Dutch railway sector
Using game concepts to compare different outcomes in a unique development case
Decision-making on changes to large infrastructural systems is complex. It involves many actors, the system shows unpredictable behaviour and the environment in which decision-making takes place is dynamic. In a unique development case of the Dutch railway sector two decision-mak
The governance of platform development processes
A metaphor and a simulation model
Platform market competition has been extensively researched, but the governance of the platform development process prior to market launch has received little attention. We develop a system dynamics simulation model using the avalanche game as a metaphor for platform development.
Funding sustainable cities
A comparative study of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City and Shenzhen International Low-Carbon City
China has gone through a rapid process of urbanization, but this has come along with serious environmental problems. Therefore, it has started to develop various eco-cities, low-carbon cities, and other types of sustainable cities. The massive launch of these sustainable initiati
Evaluatie van prestaties van de politie
Deel 2 van de evaluatie van de Politiewet 2012
Met de invoering van de Politiewet 2012 (Pw2012) wilde de minister van Veiligheid en Justitie (VenJ) zorgen voor een effectieve, efficiënte en maatschappelijk gewaardeerde politieorganisatie, die zowel rechtstatelijk als democratisch goed is ingebed.
Artikel 74 van de Pw2012 bepa
Facts and feelings
Framing effects in responses to uncertainties about high-voltage power lines
To ensure power supply security, electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) have to upscale high-voltage overhead power lines. However, upscaling frequently meets opposition. Opposition can be caused by uncertainties about risks and benefits and might lead to costly delays
Building Cybersecurity Awareness
The need for evidence-based framing strategies
Cybersecurity is a global phenomenon representing a complex socio-technical challenge for governments, but requiring the involvement of individuals. Although cybersecurity is one of the most important challenges faced by governments today, the visibility and public awareness rema
In the past few decades, urban infrastructures in China have seen an enormous upgrade, and due to large-scale urbanization many more investments are due in the coming years. In order to supplement public funding, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and municipal bonds have recently