H.G. van der Voort
119 records found
Agent-based modeling for data-driven enforcement
Combining empirical data with behavioral theory for scenario-based analysis of inspections
Effective enforcement of laws and regulations hinges heavily on robust inspection policies. While data-driven approaches to testing the effectiveness of these policies are gaining popularity, they suffer significant drawbacks, particularly a lack of explainability and generalizab
Internal audit function (IAF) effectiveness can be improved by embracing Audit Analytics (AA). However, despite its promises, AA implementation remains limited. Although there is research on AA implementation in general, there needs to be an overview of insight into inhibiting an
Talk that Talk
Design and evaluation of a persuasive card game against sexually transgressive behaviour
Sexually transgressive behaviour (STB) causes serious problems for, among others, students of higher education. The persuasive card game TALK THAT TALK was designed to promote ethical bystander behaviour in STB situa-tions and contribute to a social transition to less sexual viol
The transformation toward the use of data analytics requires overcoming many challenges. Nevertheless, the interconnections between the challenges are unclear. Gaining knowledge about these interconnections is important to prioritize strategies that aim to stimulate the transform
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the papers in this special issue on humans, algorithms and data. The authors first set themselves the task of identifying the main challenges arising from the adoption and use of algorithms and data analytics in management, accou
The road from data generation to data use is commonly approached as a data-driven, functional process in which domain expertise is integrated as an afterthought. In this contribution we complement this functional view with an institutional view, that takes data analysis and domai
Inclusion through proactive public services
Findings from the Netherlands: Classifying and designing proactivity through understanding service eligibility and delivery processes
The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the dependence on digital public service delivery in many nations. The intensified use of digital public services also shifted the spotlight to accessibility and reactive design of digital public services. Inspired by the high level of proactivity
The Giant Leap for Smart Cities
Scaling Up Smart City Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Initiatives
Despite the promise of AI and IoT, the efforts of many organizations at scaling smart city initiatives fall short. Organizations often start by exploring the potential with a proof-of-concept and a pilot project, with the process later grinding to a halt for various reasons. Pilo
Innovation in public service design
Developing a co-creation tool for public service innovation journeys
Outpaced by the speed of digital innovation in the private sector, governments are looking for new approaches to public service innovation. Drawing on three complementary innovation theories - open innovation, recombinant innovation and co-creation - this paper presents a prototy
Agile and adaptive governance in crisis response
Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Countries around the world have had to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak with limited information and confronting many uncertainties. Their ability to be agile and adaptive has been stressed, particularly in regard to the timing of policy measures, the level of decision centraliza
Big data promises to transform public decision-making for the better by making it more responsive to actual needs and policy effects. However, much recent work on big data in public decision-making assumes a rational view of decision-making, which has been much criticized in the
Roles of Risk Managers
Understanding How Risk Managers Engage in Regulation
Inside companies that produce significant risks, risk managers play a key role. They manage the connection between the risk regulation regime, which stresses public values, and the company, which pursues a broader array of organisational goals. This makes the role of risk manager
Creating value through data collaboratives
Balancing innovation and control
Driven by the technological capabilities that ICTs offer, data enable new ways to generate value for both society and the parties that own or offer the data. This article looks at the idea of data collaboratives as a form of cross-sector partnership to exchange and integrate data
Data science als de eeuwige belofte?
Over de effecten van data science op de organisatie van inspecties
Big data en, breder, data science, belooft veel voor toezicht. Om de beloften waar te maken moeten de nieuwe methoden en technieken wel worden toegepast in een inspectieorganisatie. Veel literatuur gaat over de beloften en bedreigingen van data science, weinig over de implementat
Business-to-government information exchange has over the past decades greatly benefited from data exchange standards and inter-organisational systems. The data era enables a new shift in the type of information sharing; from formal reporting to opening up full (and big) data sets
Governance as a key success factor for big data solutions in mobility
The promise of big data in the field of mobility is great, for example for mobility-as-a-service solutions. Having a better sense of the existing flows over the network would allow for much improved modelling of future flows and nudging users into behaviours targeting collectivel
De prijs van openheid
Een inleiding tot het themanummer
Cybersecurity is daily news. Data leaks and hackers are common features in the media. We tend to look to the government when things go wrong: what is the government doing about it? In this special issue we also look to the government and ask ourselves whether we are ready for the
Petra Governance Handbook - WP7 – Governance structures & business models
D7.3: Governance Handbook
This document represents the governance handbook on mobility data platforms for the PETRA project. The governance handbook provides metropolitan authorities contemplating the implementation of a mobility data platform in line with the PETRA project about governance issues and des
Antecedents of big data quality
An empirical examination in financial service organizations
Big data has been acknowledged for its enormous potential. In contrast to the potential, in a recent survey more than half of financial service organizations reported that big data has not delivered the expected value. One of the main reasons for this is related to data quality.
Petra - WP11 – Dissemination
D11.4: Business model
This document represents business model overview for PETRA. The business model is an integral part of the governance handbook, (D7.3), but is also listed as a separate deliverable. For all details, please refer to deliverable 7.3. Here an abbreviated version is presented.
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