A.J. Klievink
103 records found
Many cybercriminal entrepreneurs lack the skills and techniques to provision certain parts of their business model, leading them to outsource these parts to specialized criminal vendors. Online anonymous markets, from Silk Road to AlphaBay, have been used to search for these prod
Big data promises to transform public decision-making for the better by making it more responsive to actual needs and policy effects. However, much recent work on big data in public decision-making assumes a rational view of decision-making, which has been much criticized in the
Governing crowd-based innovations
An interdisciplinary research agenda
The crowd increasingly plays a key role in facilitating innovations in a variety of sectors, spurred on by IT-developments and the concomitant increase in connectivity. Initiatives in this direction, captured under the umbrella-term ‘crowd-based innovations’ (CBI), offer novel op
Despite great potential, high hopes and big promises, the actual impact of big data on the public sector is not always as transformative as the literature would suggest. In this paper, we ascribe this predicament to an overly strong emphasis the current literature places on techn
Community Self-Governance in the Smart City
Towards a Typology
The concept of the smart city increasingly being used but is in fact an umbrella topic covering several disciplines and domains. In the current literature is no agreement on a comprehensive vision of the smart city; perspectives on it vary from purely technological urban developm
Researchers have observed the increasing commoditization of cybercrime, that is, the offering of capabilities, services, and resources as commodities by specialized suppliers in the underground economy. Commoditization enables outsourcing, thus lowering entry barriers for aspirin
Context-aware systems are systems that have the ability to sense and adapt to the environment. To operate in large-scale multi-stakeholder environments, systems often require context awareness. The context elements that systems in such environments should take into account are be
Citizens interested in the democratization of urban development processes experiment with the co-creation of public spaces. Some of them collect, improve, and share design blueprints and manuals of their projects on the internet with help of free and open source tools. As a resul
Creating value through data collaboratives
Balancing innovation and control
Driven by the technological capabilities that ICTs offer, data enable new ways to generate value for both society and the parties that own or offer the data. This article looks at the idea of data collaboratives as a form of cross-sector partnership to exchange and integrate data
What Belongs to Context?
A Definition, a Criterion and a Method for Deciding on What Context-Aware Systems Should Sense and Adapt to
Context-awareness refers to the ability to sense and adapt to context. With the rise of context-aware systems, designers are struggling with what variables should be sensed from the context. According to the definitions found in the literature, whether something belongs to contex
Governance as a key success factor for big data solutions in mobility
The promise of big data in the field of mobility is great, for example for mobility-as-a-service solutions. Having a better sense of the existing flows over the network would allow for much improved modelling of future flows and nudging users into behaviours targeting collectivel
Supply chain management is hampered by a lack of information sharing among partners. Information is not shared as organizations in the supply chain do not have direct contact and/or do not want to share competitive and privacy sensitive information. In addition, companies are oft
Business-to-government (B2G) information sharing can benefit government organisations, as well as businesses. Yet, businesses are often reluctant to share, as data sharing might not just provide benefits but also entails risks. Therefore, a system supporting B2G information shari
Business-to-government information exchange has over the past decades greatly benefited from data exchange standards and inter-organisational systems. The data era enables a new shift in the type of information sharing; from formal reporting to opening up full (and big) data sets
In recent years, many countries have started to draft strategies and policies related to the data economy. To support new data- driven activities and innovations, the development of a national data infrastructure (NDI) is seen as key. The concept of NDI has entered governmental s
Design of a software architecture supporting business-to-government information sharing to improve public safety and security
Combining business rules, Events and blockchain technology
Toensurepublicsafetyandsecurity,itisvitallyimportantforgovernmentstocol- lect information from businesses and analyse it. Such information can be used to determine whether transported goods might be suspicious and therefore require physical inspection. Although businesses are obl
Advanced architectures for business-to-government (B2G) information sharing can benefit both businesses and government. An essential choice in the design of such an architecture is whether information is shared using a thick or a thin information flow. In an architecture with a t
Societal and technological developments (such as the digital and energy revolutions) move faster than existing institutions can keep up with. The developments may lead to a metaphorical institutional void, which brings questions about the nature of the void, the changing rules, p
Een gezamenlijke rekening?
Over digitale innovatie en samenwerking in een institutional void
The speed and disruptive character of digital innovations affect social structures and practices faster than institutions can keep up with them. This results in an ‘institutional void’, i.e. a gap between the rules and institutions and their ability and the effectiveness of their