S. Zhilin
4 records found
In Open Source Urbanism (OSU) citizens self-organize and create Do-It-Yourself (DIY) urban designs to address societal problems. Self-organized citizens develop these designs, but there is no support for the design process based on the co-creation and involvement of citizens. The
Open Source Urbanism
A design method for cultivating information infrastructures in the urban commons
Open Source Urbanism (OSU) emerges as citizens self-organise to alter their urban environments by creating Do-It-Yourself (DIY) urban prototypes and sharing their design manuals on the internet. The examples of urban prototypes might vary from built structures, such as street fur
Community Self-Governance in the Smart City
Towards a Typology
The concept of the smart city increasingly being used but is in fact an umbrella topic covering several disciplines and domains. In the current literature is no agreement on a comprehensive vision of the smart city; perspectives on it vary from purely technological urban developm
Citizens interested in the democratization of urban development processes experiment with the co-creation of public spaces. Some of them collect, improve, and share design blueprints and manuals of their projects on the internet with help of free and open source tools. As a resul