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J.A. de Bruijn

14 records found

This Master's thesis investigates the impact of the European Emission Trading System (EU ETS) on Carbon Leakage. It uses regression analysis of panel data to find out whether there is a link between the EU allowance price and trade flows. The study furthermore provides extensive ...
The problem of female under-representation in STEM still persists, with sexism identified as a significant contributor. Sexism can come in many forms, with gender microaggressions being one of the most prevalent forms in the STEM workplace. Therefore, this thesis explores the phe ...

Context Clues to Collaborative Capacity

Organizational Preconditions Guiding Horizontal Collaboration Among Dutch Infrastructure Administrations

Critical infrastructure systems are vital to societal functions, yet they face increasing complexity due to global challenges such as climate change, urbanization, and digitalization. In the Netherlands, infrastructure administrations play a pivotal role in ensuring the reliabili ...
This thesis investigates the complex dynamics of determinants on span of control within high-tech organizations, with a particular focus on what factors unique to these settings influence span of control. The main research question addressed is: ”How can high-tech organizations d ...
The airline industry is going through a big transformation. The institutional environment as well as the industry itself has changed. Competition with the entry of the low-cost carriers in a market that used to be dominated by flagship carriers and societal pressure regarding sus ...

Woo can tell me what I'm looking for?

An in-depth study on the Information Search Process that is part of Freedom of Information request handling at Ministries of the Dutch National Government

The “Wet open overheid” or Woo is a law that facilitates access to government information for Dutch citizens and states that “everyone has the right to access government information without having to show an interest in it, subject to the limitations provided for by this law.” Th ...

Fitting leadership for stimulating learning and developing a learning mindset in a transdisciplinary collaboration context

A case study of the My Digital Twin flagship of the Health & Technology theme of the Convergence Agenda of the Erasmus Medical Centre, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and the Delft University of Technology

This Master Thesis project was the last assignment in obtaining a MSc degree in Science Communication at the Delft University of Technology. The focus of the project was on finding fitting leadership styles, structures, or behaviors that stimulate learning and help develop a lear ...

Governance of Adaptive Delta Management in the Netherlands

Exploring how the institutional and instrumental governance of ADM in the Netherlands enhance adaptation to sea-level rise

In 2011, Adaptive Delta Management (ADM) was introduced in the Dutch Delta Program as a policy development method to incorporate uncertainty in decision making transparently. Currently, little is known over the functioning of ADM in practice, while this is determining its success ...

Modelling the Dutch Nitrogen Crisis

Exploring the potential of an ecological policy approach

In 2019, the Dutch nitrogen crisis emerged after the Dutch legislation on nitrogen pollution (PAS) was dismissed by the Dutch Raad van State. The crisis resulted in large scale demonstration by farmers and lingering uncertainty in the Dutch business sector. From an ecological per ...

Towards more foundational humanitarian Self-Sovereign Identity systems

Exploring strategies for humanitarian organizations to nurture support for SSI systems in Kenya, as a way to facilitate in-name SIM- and mobile money registration of un(der)documented, by using a design-oriented approach

Situation: A large portion of the beneficiaries of humanitarian aid have little to no proof of their identity, this is especially the case in African countries, in which humanitarian intervention is common. In order to facilitate aid to these individuals, humanitarian organizatio ...

Disinformation in the European Union

Using systems thinking to assess the impact of current policies to reduce the spread and production of disinformation

Disinformation is a problem that has become more relevant over the past years. Also the European Union tried and is trying to deal with this problem by introducing multiple policy actions. However, the impact and usefulness of these policies is not clear. This thesis uses a combi ...
Introduction. To contribute to the reduction of global warming, The Netherlands signed the Paris Agreement on 12-12-2015, which dictates that in 2030, a reduction of 55% in CO¬2 emissions compared to 1990 must be achieved (P. Boot et al., 2016; Sociaal-Economische Raad, 2013). To ...

Using simulation models and model interpretations for long-term policy-making in cities

Case study of long-term planning of office space in Amsterdam

Simulation models are increasingly used to substantiate long-term planning policy decisions. The communication of model results from modellers to policy-makers has not received much attention by scholars. While, without correct interpretation and correct use of model results the ...

A Balancing Act

Defining a control-oriented approach to public sector agility

Agility is increasingly being used in the public sector as its adaptive approach through short-cycled development could allow public services to keep up with developments in technology and the complex problems contemporary societies face. There are, however, some dilemmas at play ...