J.S. Timmermans
35 records found
Global mean sea-level rise (SLR) has accelerated since 1900 from less than 2 mm yr-1 during most of the century to more than 3 mm yr-1 since 1993. Decision-makers in coastal countries, however, require information on SLR at the regional scale, where detection of an acceleration i
Why uncertainty in community livelihood adaptation is important for adaptive delta management
A case study in polders of Southwest Bangladesh
To deal with large uncertainties about future climate and socio-economic developments, planners in deltas are adopting an integrative and adaptive planning approach referred to as Adaptive Delta Management (ADM). Bangladesh has used the ADM approach for the development of its ada
In 2011, Adaptive Delta Management (ADM) was introduced in the Dutch Delta Program as a policy development method that incorporates uncertainty in decision-making. At this moment, little is known about the functioning of ADM in practice, while this is key for successful adaptatio
How can the Netherlands adapt to sea level rise on the long term: maintain, advance or retreat? This article compares the results of seven plans and designs from a diverse group of scholars and professionals that offer very different answers to this question. This diversity broad
Coastal cities combine intensive socioeconomic activities and investments with high exposure to flood hazards. Developing effective strategies to manage flood risk in coastal cities is often a costly and complicated process. In designing strategies, engineers rely on computationa
While the severity of the climate crisis calls for a discussion on
transformative and potentially disruptive change, science, engineering,
design, governance and practice are currently too detached to
effectively contribute to such discussions.
The spatial manifestation o
Polder pumping-station for the future
Designing and retrofitting infrastructure systems under structural uncertainty
In designing and retrofitting infrastructure systems, engineers are increasingly confronted by uncertainties about the future operating conditions of these systems, stemming from climate change or rapid socio-economic development. Particularly for long-lived capital-intensive inf
Delta21. Een concept als voorbeeld van integraal ontwerp en interdisciplinaire samenwerking
Recente Delta21-afstudeerwerken uit het Delta Futures Lab gebundeld
Het concept van Delta21, een integrale oplossing voor het waarborgen van de waterveiligheid, het faciliteren van de energietransitie en het herstel van natuurwaarde, leent zich uitstekend voor een integrale aanpak waar verschillende disciplines samenkomen. Een interdisciplinair p
Climate change raises serious concerns for policymakers that want to ensure the success of long-term policies. To guarantee satisfactory decisions in the face of deep uncertainties, adaptive policy pathways might be used. Adaptive policy pathways are designed to take actions acco
How to evaluate a monitoring system for adaptive policies
Criteria for signposts selection and their model-based evaluation
Adaptive policies have emerged as a valuable strategy for dealing with uncertainties by recognising the capacity of systems to adapt over time to new circumstances and surprises. The efficacy of adaptive policies hinges on detecting on-going change and ensuring that actions are i
Delta communities worldwide are facing a multitude of challenges in their life and livelihood. In many developing countries, improving the quality of life and livelihood is a key challenge. While development is a central goal of delta planning in such countries, the effectiveness
Actor and Strategy Models
Practical Applications and Step-wise Approaches
A practical how-to guide for more effective planning through multi-actor modelling. Careful planning is the cornerstone of a successful initiative, and any plan, policy, or business strategy can only be successful if it has the support of different actors. These actors may be act
Large, complex coastal regions often require a combination of interventions to lower the risk of flooding to an acceptable level. In practice, a limited number of strategies are considered and interdependencies between interventions are often simplified. This paper presents the M
Despite all
research efforts, climate change remains unpredictable in the long term.
Climate change unpredictability raises
serious concerns for policymakers that prepare long-term policies. To guarantee
that climate adaptation policies perform
satisfycingly despite the unavoid
New Netherlands
From de Hoge Berg to Gaasterland
What if sea level rises with 10 meters? This question has created a whole new genre of fiction: cli-fi. It also inspired water management engineer Geert van der Meulen to design a radically different adaptation pathway strategy for the Netherlands. A spectacular mapping exercise
loods can have a huge impact on the regions they affect. The impact of these disasters can be reduced with a flood risk management system. Flood-prone regions often require a combination of interventions to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. The amount of risk reduction prov
In Myanmar en Bangladesh wordt aan adaptieve plannen gewerkt en in Vietnam is het Mekong deltaplan een katalysator voor nieuw beleid. TU-onderzoekers stellen scherpe vragen: richt men zich op behoud of op ontwikkeling? Hoe gaat men in verschillende culturen om met onzekerheden? O
Adaptive Delta Management
Cultural aspects of dealing with uncertainty
Deltas are generally recognized as vulnerable to climate change and therefore a salient topic in adaptation science. Deltas are also highly dynamic systems viewed from physical (erosion, sedimentation, subsidence), social (demographic), economic (trade), infrastructures (transpor
Van voorspellen naar exploreren, participeren, en voortdurend de vraag stellen “wat als?” – onder deze manier van beleid maken legt de Delft Research Group on Deep Uncertainty de wetenschappelijke basis. Hoe is de groep ontstaan, wat zijn de lopende onderzoeksprojecten, met wie w