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C. van Daalen

101 records found

The Delft Method for System Dynamics (SD) is a proven method for learning basic SD. The method focuses on learning by doing: first you try to work through an exercise, and if you do not understand something, then you can look up the theory. The book contains exercises on topics s ...
Policy of Multi-Actor Systems is an introduction into the art of craft of problem exploration and problem structuring. It positions policy analysis as a scientific discipline focused on systems analysis in a multi-actor context to support better informed decision-making. The appr ...
Intestinal campylobacteriosis, caused by Campylobacter ingestion, is the most reported zoonosis in the EU; it is societally costly and can lead to more severe sequelae. To reduce Campylobacter infections, biosecurity measures at both farms and slaughterhouses are warranted. Howev ...
In his paper on antifragility in supply chains, Größler (2020) explains the concept of antifragility, provides a managerial operationalisation of antifragility and investigates the implications of antifragility in a supply chain setting by applying it to a system dynamics model o ...


A peer review and peer assessment system with incentives for high quality learning

The PrESTO system is a peer review and peer assessment tool that allows large numbers of students to practice open-ended assignments, while keeping the workload of the teaching staff manageable. PrESTO was originally developed for a quantitative modeling course, but is applicable ...

Perspectives on policy analysis

A framework for understanding and design

Policy analysis is a multifaceted field in which a variety of different activities and ambitions have found a place. Some policy analysts conduct quantitative or qualitative research, while others reconstruct and analyze political discourse or set up citizen fora. Some policy ana ...
Residential energy efficiency improvements often have a smaller effect than expected. Although there is agreement on the existence of this effect, called the rebound effect, there is no agreement on the size of the effect. The objective of this study was to investigate the potent ...
This paper presents a novel simulation model that shows the dynamic and complex nature of the innovation system of vehicle automation in a quantitative way. The model simulates the innovation diffusion of automated vehicles (AVs) on the long-term. It looks at the system of AVs fr ...

Incorporating stakeholder perspectives into model-based scenarios

Exploring the futures of the Dutch gas sector

Several model-based, analytical approaches have been developed recently to deal with the deep uncertainty present in situations for which futures studies are conducted. These approaches focus on covering a wide variety of scenarios and searching for robust strategies. However, th ...
To contribute to existing research on the influence of various factors on household car ownership in the Netherlands, this study addressed the question whether and to what extent the influence of economic, sociodemographic, and spatial factors on the number of cars owned by house ...