G. Homem de Almeida Correia
141 records found
Optimizing demand-responsive IoT-based waste collection services
A two-step clustering technique
Automated driving developments should be considered when making decisions about investments in physical and digital infrastructure. This paper proposes four scenarios for automated driving developments in the Netherlands in 2040 and 2060 taking into account uncertainties regarding future penetration rates, the level of connectivity, the operational design domain, and the expected impacts of automated driving: 1) Late transition, 2) Automated vehicles on main roads, 3) Car-topia, and 4) Share-topia. To derive these scenarios, an extended switchboard method is introduced in which multiple driving forces for automated driving can be varied. The main driving forces were identified based on expert surveys. For each scenario, a modelling approach is used to compute the impact of automated driving on vehicle kilometres driven and congestion. The extended switchboard method offered more flexibility than existing scenario methods. The model-based impact assessment provided more conservative and probably more accurate insights into the expected impacts of automated driving on vehicle kilometres driven and congestion than expert estimates from the literature. The results show that in all scenarios automation leads to an increase in the number of trips, vehicle kilometres driven and congestion. In the scenarios with autonomous vehicles, congestion is expected to increase up to 17%. The higher the penetration rates of connected automated vehicles, the smaller the increase in congestion (1.5%-11%). The results indicate that investments in digital infrastructure are needed to prevent capacity reduction due to autonomous driving. The scenarios “car-topia” and “share-topia” may require additional physical infrastructure on motorways and regional roads, and/or the implementation of demand management strategies.
@enAs a two-sided digital platform, ride-sourcing has disruptively penetrated the mobility market. Ride-sourcing companies provide door-to-door transport services by connecting passengers with independent service suppliers labelled as “driver-partners”. Once a passenger submits a ride request, the platform attempts to match the request with a nearby available driver. Drivers have the freedom to accept or decline ride requests. The consequences of this decision, which is made at the operation level, have remained largely unknown in the literature. Using agent-based simulation modelling on the realistic case study of the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we study the impacts of drivers’ ride acceptance behaviour, estimated from unique empirical data, on the ride-sourcing system where the platform applies regular and surge pricing strategies, and riders may revoke their requests and reject the received offers. Furthermore, we delve into the implications of various supply–demand intensities, a centralised fleet (i.e., mandatory acceptance on each ride request) versus a decentralised fleet (i.e., ride acceptance decision by each driver), ride acceptance rates, and surge pricing settings. We find that the ride acceptance decision of ride-sourcing drivers has far-reaching consequences for system performance in terms of passengers’ waiting time, driver's revenue, operating costs, and profit, all of which are highly dependent on the ratio between demand and supply. As the system undergoes a transition from undersupplied (i.e., real-time demand locally exceeds available drivers) to balanced and then oversupplied state (i.e., more available drivers than real-time demand), ride acceptance decisions result in higher income inequality. A high acceptance rate among drivers may lead to more rides, but it does not necessarily increase their profit. Surge pricing is found to be asymmetrically in favour of all the parties despite adverse effects on the demand side due to higher trip fare. This study offers insights into both the aggregated and disaggregated levels of ride-sourcing system operations and outlines a series of transport policy and practice implications in cities that offer such ride-sourcing systems.
@enSustainable Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
A Bi-Level Optimization Framework for Reducing Vehicular Emissions in Urban Road Networks
This paper proposes a decision-making framework for a multiple-period planning of electric vehicle (EV) charging station development. In this proposed framework, transportation planners seek to implement a phased provision of electric charging stations as well as repurposing gas stations at selected locations. The developed framework is presented as a bi-level optimization problem that determines the optimal electric charging network design while capturing the practical constraints and travelers’ decisions. The upper level minimizes overall vehicle CO emissions by selecting optimal charging stations and their capacities, while the lower-level models travelers’ choices of vehicle class (EV or conventional) and travel routes. A genetic algorithm is developed to solve this problem. The results of the numerical experiments describe the sensitive nature of EV market penetration rates in the urban traffic stream and overall vehicle CO emissions to EV charging station availability and capacity. The findings can assist transportation agencies in designing effective EV charging infrastructure by identifying optimal locations and capacities, as well as in creating policies to encourage EV use over time. This study supports broader efforts to reduce air pollution and promote sustainable transportation by promoting EV adoption in the long term.
@enAssessing the spatial transferability of mode choice models
A case of shared electric mobility hubs (eHUBS) in Amsterdam and Manchester
Electric mobility hubs (eHUBS) represent an innovative approach to providing diverse shared electric transportation options, aimed at curbing private car use, and mitigating associated environmental impacts. Assessing the impact of eHUBS on travel choices across different cities requires significant resource and time investment due to the need for localized data collection and model development. This paper proposes a potential solution to this challenge by investigating the transferability of mode choice models originally developed for eHUBS in Amsterdam to predict behaviour towards eHUBS in Manchester. Multinomial Logit (MNL) and mixed logit models were transferred using four different procedures, and their effectiveness was evaluated using three assessment measures. The findings indicate that a scaled mixed logit model with an updated Alternative Specific Constant (ASC) outperforms other models in terms of its transfer effectiveness, both for disaggregate and aggregate assessment measures. The interplay between transfer procedures and assessment measures also was examined, with results indicating enhancements in disaggregate transferability measures with the 'scaling' transfer procedure, while 'updating the Alternative Specific Constants (ASCs)' improved predictions of aggregate mode shares. Following the analysis, the paper presents an in-depth discussion to provide a nuanced understanding of transferability and thus offers valuable insights for researchers planning future studies and practical considerations for policymakers.
@enOne of the main challenges of one-way carsharing systems is to maximize profit by attracting potential customers and utilizing the fleet efficiently. Pricing plans are mid or long-term decisions that affect customers’ decision to join a carsharing system and may also be used to influence their travel behavior to increase fleet utilization e.g., favoring rentals on off-peak hours. These plans contain different attributes, such as registration fee, travel distance fee, and rental time fee, to attract various customer segments, considering their travel habits. This paper aims to bridge a gap between business practice and state of the art, moving from unique single-tariff plan assumptions to a realistic market offer of multi-attribute plans. To fill this gap, we develop a mixed-integer linear programming model and a solving method to optimize the value of plans’ attributes that maximize carsharing operators’ profit. Customer preferences are incorporated into the model through a discrete choice model, and the Brooklyn taxi trip dataset is used to identify specific customer segments, validate the model's results, and deliver relevant managerial insights. The results show that developing customized plans with time- and location-dependent rates allows the operators to increase profit compared to fixed-rate plans. Sensitivity analysis reveals how key parameters impact customer choices, pricing plans, and overall profit.
@enRide-hailing companies will face the emergence and gradual expansion of AVs-only zones in urban areas where only automated vehicles (AVs) are allowed to circulate. When owning a mixed fleet (automated and conventional taxis), a ride-hailing company has to determine the optimal fleet size as a function of the gradually expanding coverage of AVs-only zones while taking into account interactions with privately-owned human-driven vehicles. To model this problem, we propose a bi-level framework in which the lower level captures the mixed routing behaviour of the vehicles and the endogenous traffic congestion, and the upper level determines fleet sizes to maximise profit. A parallel genetic algorithm is introduced to solve this bi-level framework, which is embedded with a tailored algorithm for solving the lower-level model. Numerical experiments are conducted on instances based on a small network and the network of the city of Delft, The Netherlands, to demonstrate the performance of the proposed solution method and investigate the impacts of AVs-only zones on traffic and ride-hailing operations. Results indicate that the fleet size of automated taxis increases nonlinearly with the expansion of the AVs-only zone while that of conventional taxis decreases as demand shifts from human-driven vehicles to automated taxis. The fleet size decision depends heavily on the fleet's cost structure, the location and the distribution of parking depots. Furthermore, the existence of an AVs-only zone leads to detours for human-driven vehicles in the early stages, but it will bring major benefits by reducing congestion as its size increases.
@enDynamics of freight transport decarbonization
A simulation study for Brazil
Freight transport decarbonization is challenging due to the slow implementation of policies to meet climate goals. This paper analyzes the dynamics of the implementation of freight decarbonization measures. A System Dynamics model was developed and applied to the Brazilian freight system to simulate the use of more sustainable modes and means of transport, including electrification, increased use of biofuels, acceleration of fleet renewal, and modal shift. Significant emission reductions are found in the scenarios combining a shift to alternative modes and a rapid phase-out of diesel vehicles. Even so, the Brazilian freight sector's emission budgets towards limiting global warming to 1.5 °C and 2 °C will be depleted during the current and next decade, respectively. An absolute reduction of carbon emissions before 2050 seems unlikely. Besides confirming the need to study the dynamics of the freight system, the findings corroborate the urgency for stronger actions on freight decarbonization.
@enShared Automated Electric Vehicles (SAEVs) are poised to revolutionize future transportation. However, potential drawbacks, including increased vehicle usage and the projected shorter vehicle lifespan, introduce critical factors that may impact efficiency and environmental benefits. This research introduces a framework that integrates Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for a behaviour-driven SAEV assessment. The ABM simulates regional SAEV operations, informing the LCA of pre- and post-integration scenarios. Sensitivity analysis on fleet sizes, system performance metrics, and Global Warming Potential (GWP) reference values are performed. Findings demonstrate that SAEVs significantly decrease the fleet size and total travel distance by raising the average travel per vehicle. SAEVs integration yields a 75–86% daily GWP reduction without significantly compromising user experience. Over 30 years, fleet replacement needs due to inadequate fleet sizing raised GWP by 170%. Balancing short and long-term environmental impact requires optimizing fleet size to achieve sustainable and efficient service delivery.
@enRide experience in automated minibuses
Measuring users' transport mode preferences before and after a test ride
In the present study, we explored the influence of ride experience in automated minibuses (AmBs) on transport mode choice that includes the automated shuttles as well as conventional transport options (car, bus and bicycle) on the first-/ last-mile stage of rail trips. We used the case study of the connection between Brandevoort train station and the newly developing working and living area in Helmond (the Netherlands) where an AmB was tested in the February-March period of 2021. We conducted a two-wave stated preference experiment wherein data was gathered both before and after the participants had a test ride in the AmB. The results of the joint hybrid mixed logit model indicate a clear preference towards flexible-service AmBs, particularly in relation to travel time and costs. While preferences for less favoured regular-service AmBs experienced a noteworthy shift in travel time and costs, waiting and walking time parameters influenced by participants' ride experience in this pilot and by prior ride experience from other pilots. This reinforces the idea that the ride experience in AmBs even in a short pilot trial like the one conducted in Helmond has a significant impact on preferences for AmBs in comparison with car, bus and bicycle alternatives. Hence, panel studies can provide a more comprehensive understanding of how attitudes and preferences of potential users evolve over time.
Emerging on-demand passenger and logistics systems: Modelling, optimization, and data analytics
Despite their rapid growth, on-demand transportation services bear several challenges for key stakeholders. The private sector, which includes online platforms, strives to optimize system efficiency and revenue through advanced artificial intelligence techniques and optimization methods. Meanwhile, the public sector aims to strike a balance between the interests of various stakeholders to create more sustainable, equitable, and eco-friendly mobility systems. As such, new mobility paradigms arise in which public authorities require decision support tools that offer realistic cost and benefit estimations for all parties involved. As these services continue to expand, researchers, operators, and policymakers can leverage the vast amount of data generated to better understand, model, analyze, and effectively coordinate both the supply and demand dynamics within these systems.@en
Anticipating the forthcoming integration of shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) into urban networks, the imperative of devising an efficient real-time scheduling and routing strategy for these vehicles becomes evident if one is to maximize their potential in enhancing travel efficiency. In this study, we address the problem of jointly scheduling and routing SAVs across an urban network with the possibility of platooning the vehicles at intersections to reduce their travel time. We argue that this is especially useful in large urban areas. We introduce a novel vehicle scheduling and routing method that allows a specific number of SAVs to converge at the intersections of urban corridors within designated time intervals, facilitating the formation of SAV platoons. Dedicated lanes and signal priority control are activated to ensure that these platoons go through the corridors efficiently. Based on the above concept, we propose a linear integer programming model to minimize the total travel time of SAVs and the delays experienced by the conventional vehicles due to SAV priority, thereby optimizing the overall performance of the road network. For large instances, we develop a two-stage heuristic algorithm to solve it faster. In the first stage, leveraging an evaluation index that manifests the compatibility of each vehicle-to-request combination, we allocate passenger requests to a fleet of SAVs. In the second stage, a customized genetic algorithm is designed to coordinate the paths of various SAVs, thus achieving the desired vehicle platooning effect. The optimization method is tested on a real-world road network in Shanghai, China. The results display a remarkable reduction of 15.76 % in the total travel time of the SAVs that formed platoons. The overall performance of the road network could be improved with the total travel time increase of conventional vehicles significantly smaller than the reduction observed in SAVs’ total travel time.
@enDifficulty in finding parking spaces and high parking fees discourage private car usage. Fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) capable of self-parking away from destinations will likely remove this barrier. Despite extensive survey-based research on AVs in recent years, existing literature has not sufficiently addressed the potential impact of new parking options on the demand for these vehicles. This study explores commuters’ joint choice of travel mode and parking for private autonomous vehicles (PAVs). To this end, a stated choice (SC) experiment was designed and deployed in the city of Beijing, China. Attitudinal statements were also designed to measure four latent variables: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived safety, and attitude toward waiting. Using a hybrid choice model framework, the estimation results reveal that the choice of letting the PAV self-park at a non-destination location is significantly influenced by the location of such parking, the potential delay in re-taking the vehicle, and the fuel/energy consumption to and from the non-destination parking place. Attitudes toward AVs also play a crucial role, with perceived safety and perceived usefulness having the greatest impact. Our results can help managers and planners understand how PAVs affect people's travel mode choices and the corresponding parking options and assist them in developing strategies in preparation for the widespread use of AVs.
@enEmerging concepts, such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), could evolve to provide sustainable mobility, especially in densely populated urban areas. However, recent studies highlight the challenge of evaluating how the complex interactions of user demographics, mode choice, vehicle automation, governance, and efficiency will impact the sustainability of future mobility. Given this challenge, this research identifies a whole system (STEEP - social, technical, economic, environmental, and political) framework as essential to assess the overall sustainability of emergent urban mobility systems such as rideshare. The need is a single tool that can rapidly explore the long-range sustainability impact of such alternative future mobility scenarios for a given city region. This paper documents enhancements made to Impacts 2050, a strategic-level model of urban mobility, to address this need, including updates to the statistical travel behavior model and the addition of rideshare including trip occupancy. Results obtained with the enhanced Impacts 2050 showed that, while rideshare use increased significantly for some scenarios, its overall mode share remained limited. In addition, though rideshare enabled users to shed car ownership, the overall percentage increase of “no car ownership” was low. An urban mobility sustainability scorecard based on STEEP and generated by output from the enhanced Impacts 2050 is presented.
@enMode substitution induced by electric mobility hubs
Results from Amsterdam
Electric mobility hubs (eHUBS) are locations where multiple shared electric modes including electric cars and e-bikes are available. To assess their potential to reduce private car use, it is important to investigate to what extent people would switch to eHUBS modes after their introduction. Moreover, people may adapt their behaviour differently depending on their current travel mode. This study is based on stated preference data collected in Amsterdam. We analysed the data using mixed logit models. We found that users of different modes not only have varied general preferences for different shared modes but also have different sensitivity for attributes such as travel time and cost. Public transport users are more likely to switch to eHUBS modes than car users. People who bike and walk have strong inertia, but the percentage choosing eHUBS modes doubles when the trip distance is longer (5 or 10 km).
@enDriving factors behind station-based car sharing adoption
Discovering distinct user profiles through a latent class cluster analysis
In light of growing environmental challenges, the need to reconsider how we approach personal transportation is becoming increasingly evident. A shift from a private car-focused mobility system towards a more sustainable and equitable transportation system is needed. Car sharing is considered a means to achieve this, however, its usage and its impact are not entirely understood, as many studies do not consider the motives of individuals to use this alternative, treating the population of users as a homogeneous group. This study aims to reveal distinct car sharing usage profiles to gain a thorough understanding of the various motivates behind car sharing and its relation with travel behaviour. Six user profiles are uncovered using a Latent Class Cluster Analysis (LCCA) based on station-based carsharing data of one company operating in the Netherlands gathered through an online survey (N = 1281). The results show significant diversity in car sharing motives. The identified user groups have different effects on travel behaviour. Environmentally motivated car sharers use the shared car as a complete replacement for their private car, causing a substantial decrease in car ownership and usage. For utilitarian car sharers, and especially formerly carless individuals, the decrease in car ownership is less substantial and even an increase in car use can be observed. Finally, it was found that car sharing is mostly complementary to public transport use. Ways to promote the use of both modes could be explored.
@enPaths, Proofs, and Perfection
Developing a Human-Interpretable Proof System for Constrained Shortest Paths
People want to rely on optimization algorithms for complex decisions but verifying the optimality of the solutions can then become a valid concern, particularly for critical decisions taken by non-experts in optimization. One example is the shortest-path problem on a network, occurring in many contexts from transportation to logistics to telecommunications. While the standard shortest-path problem is both solvable in polynomial time and certifiable by duality, introducing side constraints makes solving and certifying the solutions much harder. We propose a proof system for constrained shortest-path problems, which gives a set of logical rules to derive new facts about feasible solutions. The key trait of the proposed proof system is that it specifically includes high-level graph concepts within its reasoning steps (such as connectivity or path structure), in contrast to using linear combinations of model constraints. Using our proof system, we can provide a step-by-step, human-auditable explanation showing that the path given by an external solver cannot be improved. Additionally, to maximize the advantages of this setup, we propose a proof search procedure that specifically aims to find small proofs of this form using a procedure similar to A* search. We evaluate our proof system on constrained shortest path instances generated from real-world road networks and experimentally show that we may indeed derive more interpretable proofs compared to an integer programming approach, in some cases leading to much smaller proofs.