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M.A. de Bok

71 records found

Last-mile delivery, one of the most polluting segments of the supply chain, is the focus of numerous studies. There are various innovative delivery methods aimed at mitigating its adverse effects. This study explores whether crowdshipping (CS) could serve as a sustainable urban ...


An empirical model for the simulation of freight policies

Very few systematic, quantitative and empirical methods exist which allow an impact assessment of urban freight solutions or policies. Especially the behavioral responses of logistic agents are difficult to include systematically in impact assessments. This is mainly due to limit ...
The Internet of Things (IoT) can bring radical advancements in the domain of waste collection, as it enables the organization of demand-responsive schedules which leads to higher efficiency operations. One major challenge in the deployment of demand-responsive schedules, neverthe ...
City logistics simulation can help to provide empirical proof of potential benefits of new solutions in city logistics but decision support tools for such analyses are scarce because of a lack of empirical data and resources. The Tactical Freight Simulator (TFS) is a multi-agent ...

De buisleidingenmodule

Een prototype voor het goederenvervoermodel BasGoed

Ondanks dat in Nederland jaarlijks 15%-20% van het goederenvervoer per buisleiding vervoerd wordt, bleef buisleidingentransport lange tijd buiten het zicht van beleidsmakers. Met de verwachte belangrijke rol die buisleidingen kunnen spelen in de energietransitie is dit veranderd, ...
This paper presents the integration of pipeline transport into the Dutch national freight transport model BasGoed.

This paper first provides a general overview of freight transport in the Netherlands. This overview covers all modes of transport, shipping, road transport, ...
This paper presents a hybrid system dynamics and agent-based model to simulate the dynamic evolution of consumer preferences for parcel delivery. Scenarios provide insight about preference development and capacity growth of delivery services.@en
Micro-hubs are considered to be a potential solution to increase the consolidation of inner-city deliveries: in the City of Rotterdam it is a potential measure to increase the logistic efficiency in and around the planned zero-emission zone in the city center. When designing the ...
Crowdsourced shipping or crowdshipping is a promising contender for sustainable parcel delivery services due to the potential to consolidate freight trips with pre-existing passenger trips. However, the opportunity for private persons to act as occasional carrier can also generat ...
Rijkswaterstaat gebruikt het goederenvervoermodel BasGoed om lange termijn prognoses te maken van het goederenvervoer. Economische verwachtingen spelen hierbij een belangrijke rol. Het model BasGoed begint dan ook met een module waarin de economische groei bepaald wordt en vervol ...
Goederenvervoer is het transport gedeelte van het logistieke systeem: goederen worden van A naar B vervoerd. Een groot gedeelte is onderdeel van logistieke ketens. Waar data over goederenvervoer in toenemende mate beschikbaar is voor onderzoek en planningsdoeleinden, blijft de be ...
The fast growth of e-commerce in urban areas has led to a surge in last-mile transportation demand and an associated increase of external effects: congestion, noise and visual pollution. This paper analyses a new urban freight transport service that has a potential to reduce this ...
The growth of e-commerce and omnichannel retailing has led to significant changes in urban logistics deliveries. In addition to the traditional delivery channels, new solutions have been introduced, such as click-and-collect, parcel locker delivery, crowdshipping, and on-site del ...
Crowdsourced shipping or crowdshipping is a promising solution to sustainable parcel delivery, owing to the potential to consolidate freight trips with preexisting passenger trips. Previous literature focuses on these consolidation benefits but does not address the possibility of ...
This chapter introduces the topic of freight transport modelling in the urban context. Urban freight transport is typical in several aspects: the defragmentation of product flows, the use of modes, and the commodity mix. Freight traffic is also in competition for space with other ...
Understanding the logistic determinants of freight trips is an important goal in freight transport modeling. Freight shipments move between nodes in the supply chain for different logistic purposes, including production, storage, transshipment, and consumption. A key problem with ...
Knowledge of the core structure and inherent dynamics of urban freight transport systems is important for the development of policies, aimed at improving the livability and sustainability of cities. The past decade has witnessed a great deal of efforts into analyzing the geograph ...
Knowledge of the hierarchical organization of urban heavy truck flows is important for understanding the structure of urban freight system and underlying interactions dynamics, providing insights to assess and develop freight policies. The complexity and dynamic nature of urban f ...
Crowdshipping (CS) is an emerging form of freight transport that is expected to reduce the externalities of urban freight transport. The supply of CS services originates from people with an intention to travel, who can choose to engage in a parcel delivery service as incidental c ...
In 2017, the newly installed Dutch government announced in its coalition agreement to introduce a distancebased heavy goods vehicle charge, similar to the charges levied in other European countries. To study the possible transport impacts, we applied available models and methods ...