D. Milakis
27 records found
Automated Vehicles
Changes in expert opinions over time
Questioning mobility as a service
Unanticipated implications for society and governance
“For me it is always like half an hour”
Exploring the acceptable travel time concept in the US and European contexts
The case of Mobility as a Service
A critical reflection on challenges for urban transport and mobility governance
Is Hyperloop helpful in relieving the environmental burden of long-distance travel?
An explorative analysis for Europe
Implications of automated vehicles for accessibility and location choices
Evidence from an expert-based experiment
Built environment, travel attitudes and travel behaviour
Quasi-Longitudinal analysis of links in the case of Greeks relocating from US to Greece
Accessibility instruments in planning practice
Bridging the implementation gap
Development and transport implications of automated vehicles in the Netherlands
Scenarios for 2030 and 2050
Policy and society related implications of automated driving
A review of literature and directions for future research
Co-designing for active, healthy ageing
The synergies of social and built environment
Should governments plan locally or regionally to reduce vehicle use?
Evidence from the EU and US contexts (PPT)