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Merla Kubli

24 records found


Energy communities for companies

Executives’ preferences for local and renewable energy procurement

Energy communities are a cornerstone of the European energy transition. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) exhibit a particularly high potential for energy communities due to their energy demand and flexibility volume. However, in contrast to residential consumers, empirical evi ...

A typology of business models for energy communities

Current and emerging design options

In the European energy transition, energy communities have gained an increasing amount of attention. To support widespread diffusion, academic and practice-oriented studies have called for a business model perspective on energy communities. This study presents a morphological ana ...

EV drivers’ willingness to accept smart charging

Measuring preferences of potential adopters

The increasing convergence of the mobility and electricity sectors creates many opportunities and challenges around electric vehicle (EV) charging. It is a large interest of the industry to gain EV drivers’ consent for smart charging to facilitate the smooth integration of EVs in ...
Flexibility aggregation is seen as a promising solution to facilitate the integration of solar and wind power into the energy system. While the solution is well known, it remains fairly uninvestigated in terms of the components needed to result in a business success. This study i ...

10th consumer barometer renewable energy

10. Kundenbarometer Erneuerbare Energien

Navigating through the unknown

How conjoint analysis reduces uncertainty in energy consumer modelling

Prosumer communities as strategic allies for electric utilities

Exploring future decentralization trends in Switzerland

A prosumer community is a group of households that are organized together to consume energy from a common decentralized generation system such as solar photovoltaic (PV). The development of prosumer communities poses a threat to electric utilities, which currently apply a busines ...

The flexible prosumer

Measuring the willingness to co-create distributed flexibility

Rising shares of fluctuating renewables increase the need for flexibility in the power market. At the same time, the emergence of the prosumer has created new opportunities for co-creation of distributed flexibility. As of yet, there is surprisingly little empirical analysis in t ...
Solar prosumers are about to revolutionize the power sector. Utilities are challenged in recovering the costs of distribution grids, as parts of their revenue basis decreases through self-consumption. Adjusting the grid tariff sets off a reinforcing feedback loop that increases t ...

Participative Modelling of Socio-Technical Transitions

Why and How Should We Look Beyond the Case-Specific Energy Transition Challenge?

Participative modelling (PM) is a promising approach to mutual learning about causal mechanisms and dynamics in socio-technical transitions. However, case-specific PM initiatives often fail to generate insights that inform related cases. We address this methodical limitation in a ...

Decentralisation dynamics in energy systems

A generic simulation of network effects

Distributed generation is becoming increasingly important in energy systems, causing a transition towards decentralisation. These decentralisation dynamics are difficult to predict in their scope and timing and therefore present a major challenge for utility companies. This paper ...
Renewable energies, especially photovoltaic (PV), have started a trend towards a decentralization of energy systems. With decreasing levelized costs of energy of new renewable energies, self-consumption concepts become increasingly attractive and have even reached grid parity in ...
Netznutzungsgebühren dienen der Deckung der Kosten für Aufbau und Erhalt des Stromnetzes. Mit zunehmender Zahl privater PV-Anlagen und Eigenverbrauchslösungen ist die Verteilung dieser Kosten auf die Endkunden nach dem heutigen Tarifmodell aber nicht mehr verursachergerecht. Deme ...
Distributed generation is becoming increasingly important in energy systems, causing a transition of regional energy systems. These decentralisation dynamics are difficult to predict in their scope and timing and therefore become a major challenge for political decision makers, u ...