A.M. Onencan

20 records found

Design for societal resilience

The risk evaluation diversity-aiding approach (RED-A)

The global impacts of disaster risks are on the rise. Moreover, evidence shows that the severity of damage will increase exponentially. In 2019, there were 395 natural disasters that caused 11,755 deaths. Literature and practice indicate that diversification of disaster risk mana ...

Sustainability indicators

Monitoring cross-county water cooperation in the Nzoia river basin, Kenya

Kenya Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) Impact Report indicates a stagnation in water coverage at 55 percent, for the last three years, contrary to the 2015 target of 80 percent. One main reason for the stagnation is weak cross-county cooperation between hydrologically int ...
The Kenyan government has made significant advances in water resources management at the local authority (county) level with little or no cooperation at the drainage basin level. Research on critical determinants of cooperation amongst transboundary water negotiation teams is lim ...

Institutional Change through Social Learning

Climate Change Policy Gaming in Kenya

Complex and uncertain societal problems cannot be addressed by technical solutions that rely solely on predictions. Institutions that entirely rely on predictions, repeat the same actions (routine), with little reflection on the impact of these technological solutions upon the so ...

Equitable and Reasonable Utilization

Reconstructing the Nile BasinWater Allocation Dialogue

Equitable and reasonable utilization is a core principle in the distribution of water resources. However, its practical application in the Nile Basin has been a significant challenge, leading to a water allocation deadlock. To address the deadlock, we used the van Eeten (1999) fo ...

From Paris Agreement to action

Enhancing climate change familiarity and situation awareness

The Paris Agreement was a monumental stride towards global climate change governance. It unlocked the climate change gridlock, introducing country-subjective commitments and a five-year review mechanism. To support the implementation of the Paris Agreement, we designed the Nzoia ...

Game Design Concept Report

Application of the WeShareIt Game Elements in Nzoia River Basin

In early 2016, we designed Nzoia WeShareIt game to support joint decision-making, in a complex river basin, through policy practice in the form of water allocation trade-offs between food, energy, and nature. Nzoia WeShareIt game is a multi-player hybrid cooperation game. This co ...
Nzoia river basin county governments barely cooperate in water resources management to jointly increase the basin's food and energy productivity levels, due to limited trust. In this paper, we propose a game-based approach that can be replicated in any river basin, to assess trus ...
The Horizon 2020 interim evaluation (2017) indicates a steep increase in citizen engagement in European Union Citizen Science (CS) projects, with less than 1% in budgetary terms and minimal influence. Research findings attribute weak CS influence to the restriction of citizen act ...
In this paper, we explore how a climate change game can be designed to enhance trans-boundary water partnerships between governments and provide a window of opportunity to challenge the status quo, leading to change. The primary focus of the paper is to discuss a theoretical fram ...
Hybrid board games draw benefits from both the digital and physical worlds. They increase social interaction and provide an enjoyable, seamless experience. Nevertheless, hybrid artefacts do not fit snugly into established game genres, leading to ambiguity regarding the selection ...
The Nile river traverses eleven countries in Africa. It is the source of life for millions of people and its aquifers, tributaries, lakes, and surface waters provide valuable nature (wetlands), drinking water, hydropower and it provides large areas of arid soils with irrigation w ...
As a leading thinker on water management in East Africa, Abby Onencan became a proponent of serious gaming. She is now a research fellow at Delft University, working on a third generation game for water distribution policymaking. Pilot projects in the Nzoia watershed show that ga ...


Design of Nzoia Basin location based flood game

Every 2 to 7 years, Kenya experiences a reoccurrence of El-Niño rains leading to loss of life and massive damage to property. The 1997/98 El-Niño floods affected 1.5 million persons and led to an estimated USD 1.2 billion infrastructural damage, USD 236 million agricultural damag ...

WeShareIt game

Strategic foresight for climate-change induced disaster risk reduction

Nile Basin policy makers, at all levels, are constantly making quick decisions to address emergencies. The decisions are made in the context of a complex, uncertain, ever-changing and highly volatile basin. However, for these decisions to take into account future uncertainties, l ...
Scenarios are valuable tools that could support decision making under deep uncertainty, nevertheless, their potential remains untapped. The paper explores whether participatory scenario construction in the form of stories coupled with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ...