A.M. Onencan

3 records found

Values of the Blue Nile

An evaluation of the Nile Basin Decision Support System from a values perspective

The Blue Nile is characterised by growing tensions between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt related to increasing demands for water and upcoming unilateral developments. Growing efforts towards basin wide cooperation from the international and scientific community have led to the develo ...
Water scarcity has been a growing problem for many places around the world as water usage has been increasing with double the rate of population growth in the twentieth century. As agriculture accounts for 70 percent of global freshwater withdrawals, fresh water availability will ...

Bridging the gap between technology and policy

An assessment on how to report progress in efficient water use in agriculture by means of remote sensing data

Water use has increased with double the rate of population growth in the twentieth century. Combined with changing diets due to increased global economic wealth, almost 50 per cent more food needs to be produced to meet demand, implying that fresh water availability will face eve ...