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M.V. Dignum

36 records found


Measuring moral acceptability in E-deliberation

A practical application of ethics by participation

Current developments in governance and policy setting are challenging traditional top-down models of decision-making. Whereas, on the one hand, citizens are increasingly demanding and expected to participate directly on governance questions, social networking platforms are, on th ...

Ethics by Design

Necessity or Curse?

Ethics by Design concerns the methods, algorithms and tools needed to endow autonomous agents with the capability to reason about the ethical aspects of their decisions, and the methods, tools and formalisms to guarantee that an agent's behavior remains within given moral boun ...

Understanding the social contexts in which actions and interactions take place is of utmost importance for planning one’s goals and activities. People use social practices as means to make sense of their environment, assessing how that context relates to past, common experienc ...

AI4People—An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society

Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations

This article reports the findings of AI4People, an Atomium—EISMD initiative designed to lay the foundations for a “Good AI Society”. We introduce the core opportunities and risks of AI for society; present a synthesis of five ethical principles that should undergird its develo ...

An institution typically comprises constitutive rules, which give shape and meaning to social interactions and regulative rules, which prescribe agent behaviour in the society. Regulative rules guide social interaction, in particular when they are coupled with reward and punishme ...

Social agents: Bridging simulation and engineering

Seeking better integration of two research communities

This short paper introduces and summarizes the AORTA reasoning framework that can be integrated into BDI-agents to enable organizational decision-making. This work has recently been published in the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS), as [3].@en

Institutions regulate societies. Comprising Searle's constitutive counts-as rules, "A counts-as B in context C", an institution ascribes from brute and institutional facts (As), a social reality comprising institutional facts (Bs) conditional on the social reality (contexts Cs ...

Nowadays, public debates often take place on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter and can be characterized as asynchronous, protracted and ill-structured. The Massive Open Online Deliberation (MOOD) platform aims to structure these debates. Essential is that the platfo ...

Open systems are characterized by the presence of a diversity of heterogeneous and autonomous agents that act according to private goals. Organizations, such as those used in real-life to structure human activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, can reg ...

Open data and beyond: Exploring existing open data projects to prepare a successful open data strategy

Deelrapport organisatorische aspecten voor een succesvolle open data strategie

In dit rapport wordt ingegaan op de organisatorische aspecten van open data. De keus voor een bepaalde organisatorische invulling is uiteraard sterk afhankelijk van de interne besluitvorming, mogelijkheden en ambities van Alliander zelf. Dit rapport moet dan ook gezien worden als ...


Yes to Agreements, Yes to Interventions, Yes to Solar Panels

Formalization of an Agent-based Model to Model the Solar Adoption Rate and Explore the Effect of Governmental Interventions

Over the last 20 years, the Chinese corporations have accumulated essential technological competencies such as those in the consumer goods manufacturing and information technologies. Therefore, Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs) have high global ambitions to expand their re ...
With the extensive use of the internet nowadays, companies are becoming more and more at risk from cyber-attacks. Especially SMEs are vulnerable, as they lack in cybersecurity. This is due to time, resource and knowledge constraints. In the literature no clear solutions can be fo ...
In recent years, logistics emerged as a key function in the humanitarian sector. Data show that humanitarian organizations spend a consistent amount of their budgets for logistics and supply chain-related activities. Although their supply chains present a potential for improvemen ...
The purpose of this empirical study is to gain insight in how Autonomous Weapons are perceived by the general public and the military and which moral values they consider important when Autonomous Weapons are deployed in the near future. The Value-Sensitive Design method is used ...

Do traditional banks need a Chief AI Officer?

An explorative research project that aims to evaluate the appointment of a Chief AI Officer to overcome challenges that arise when traditional banks adopt AI technologies

Artificial intelligence is a technology trend that potentially far exceeds the possibilities of all current state technologies, in a sense that these technologies have self-learning abilities. Organizations that manage to adopt and diffuse these technologies may effectively reach ...

Tooling as a Service

Agent Based Scenario Development for IT Services Delivery

Information Technology [IT] is increasingly being integrated into the modern society. Novel IT solutions are Cloud based. Cloud solutions from Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS are examples of services which offer the benefits of cloud computing. For IT providers, leveraging novel I ...
The iron law of oligarchy claims that the complex organisation will always end up in an oligarchy, no matter it was constituted originally. In that sense, the oligarchy should also happen in the Community Energy System (CES) as a complex self-govern common-pool resource system. T ...