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Value elicitation on a scenario of autonomous weapon system deployment

a qualitative study based on the value deliberation process

Ethical concerns on autonomous weapon systems (AWS) call for a process of human oversight to ensure accountability over targeting decisions and the use of force. To align the behavior of autonomous systems with human values and norms, the Design for Values approach can be used to ...

Integrating Comprehensive Human Oversight in Drone Deployment

A Conceptual Framework Applied to the Case of Military Surveillance Drones

Accountability is a value often mentioned in the debate on intelligent systems and their increased pervasiveness in our society. When focusing specifically on autonomous systems, a critical gap emerges: although there is much work on governance and attribution of accountability, ...

Accountability and Control Over Autonomous Weapon Systems

A Framework for Comprehensive Human Oversight

Accountability and responsibility are key concepts in the academic and societal debate on Autonomous Weapon Systems, but these notions are often used as high-level overarching constructs and are not operationalised to be useful in practice. “Meaningful Human Control” is often ...

Moral Values Related to Autonomous Weapon Systems

An Empirical Survey that Reveals Common Ground for the Ethical Debate

In the political debate on Autonomous Weapon Systems strong views and opinions are voiced, but empirical research to support these opinions is lacking. Insight into which moral values are related to the deployment of Autonomous Weapon Systems is missing. We describe the empiri ...

Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) can be defined as weapons systems equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI). They are an emerging technology and are increasingly deployed on the battlefield. In the societal debate on Autonomous Weapon Systems, the concept of Meaningful Human Con ...

As the reach and capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems increases, there is also a growing awareness of the ethical, legal and societal impact of the potential actions and decisions of these systems. Many are calling for guidelines and regulations that can ensure ...

Nowadays, public debates often take place on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter and can be characterized as asynchronous, protracted and ill-structured. The Massive Open Online Deliberation (MOOD) platform aims to structure these debates. Essential is that the platfo ...