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T.E. de Wildt

21 records found


Value and moral change have increasingly become topics of interest in the philosophical literature. Several theoretical accounts have been proposed. These are usually based on certain theoretical and conceptual assumptions. Their strengths and weaknesses are often difficult to d ...
Supported by the arrival of 5G and, soon 6G, digital technologies are evolving towards an artificial intelligence-driven internet of robotic and bionano things. The merging of artificial intelligence (AI) with other technologies such as the internet of things (IoT) gives rise to ...
We study value change due to the corona pandemic. With the help of topic modelling, we analysed COVID-related news articles for changes in the frequency of how often these news articles address eleven different values. We looked at news articles from six countries (US, UK, South ...


Designing for value change

This article aims to explore the use of cross-impact balances (CIB) to identify scenarios of value change. The possibility of value change has received little attention in the literature on value-sensitive design (VSD). Examples of value change include the emergence of new values ...

This paper demonstrates an approach to assess, ex ante, the social acceptance of sustainable heating systems in city districts. More sustainable heating systems are required in city districts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, these systems may lack social acceptance ...

Tracing Long-term Value Change in (Energy) Technologies

Opportunities of Probabilistic Topic Models Using Large Data Sets

We propose a new approach for tracing value change. Value change may lead to a mismatch between current value priorities in society and the values for which technologies were designed in the past, such as energy technologies based on fossil fuels, which were developed when sustai ...

Conflicted by decarbonisation

Five types of conflict at the nexus of capabilities and decentralised energy systems identified with an agent-based model

This paper explores capability conflicts in the deployment of decentralised energy systems and identifies the affected population. These systems have positive societal impacts in terms of sustainability and consumer empowerment, but they are not accessible to all and their dep ...

This thesis introduces an approach to support the long-term social acceptance of energy systems by addressing value conflicts embedded in regulatory and technical designs. When designing energy systems, the realisation of some values can conflict with the realisation of other val ...

This paper aims to anticipate social acceptance issues related to the deployment of the smart electricity grid by identifying underlying value conflicts. The smart electricity grid is a key enabler of the energy transition. Its successful deployment is however jeopardized by s ...

Ethics by Design

Necessity or Curse?

Ethics by Design concerns the methods, algorithms and tools needed to endow autonomous agents with the capability to reason about the ethical aspects of their decisions, and the methods, tools and formalisms to guarantee that an agent's behavior remains within given moral boun ...

This paper proposes an approach to capturing and reviewing scientific literature addressing latent topics across multiple scientific fields. As latent topics like moral values are affected by word polysemy and synonymy, a traditional keyword-based approach is often ineffective ...


The long time horizon of sustainable energy developments is often associated with all sorts of issues that are caused by changes in values. The public attitude can be affected by these changes and potential risks in the lack of social acceptance could occur, which always lead to ...
The Urban Heat Island effect increases the air temperature in cities compared to rural areas because cities have a lot more hardened surfaces than rural areas. As the amount of people living in cities increases and the global air temperatures rise, these negative effects will inc ...

Exploring Value Change in Sustainable Energy Systems

An Agent-Based Exploratory Modelling Approach to Study the Change in Importance of Values

The climate change around the globe driven by Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) is fueling the growth of Sustainable Energy Systems (SES) at a faster pace. However, the lack of acceptance of these systems by society has stifled its successful deployment. Societal values play a key r ...
The municipality of Amsterdam plans to transition away from its reliance on fossil fuel-based energy sources for residential heating by 2040. The municipality has laid out a roadmap that details possibilities for sustainable heating on a per-neighborhood basis. One neighborhood o ...

The Acceptability of Decentralized Energy Systems

Identifying Value Conflicts Through Simulations Of Decentralized Energy Systems For City Districts

This research has been performed to help the Dutch government with the decisions and choices it has to make in order to meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement and the Climate Agreement. Decentralized energy systems can be a solution for meeting these requirements, however t ...

Design directions for reducing the peak load on the residential grid using electric vehicles

Simulating the behaviour of electric vehicle owners using the concepts of Social Acceptance and Moral Acceptability in an Agent-Based model

Due to the transition to sustainable transport, an increase of the share of electric vehicles is expected. The electric vehicles will increase the peak demand on the electricity grid. It is possible to shift the demand of the electric vehicles using smart grid technology. The ele ...