S.L. Gomes

21 records found

A Delphi-based methodology for participatory adaptation pathways building with local stakeholders

Methodological considerations and an illustrative application in peri-urban India

Adaptation pathways is a planning approach used to design flexible, long-term strategies for dealing with future uncertainty. However, emphasis on how to discuss pathways elements with stakeholders during the pathways building process is under-represented in the existing pathways ...
Peri-urban transformations in emerging economies like India demand scientific attention given their impact on global environmental change processes. Some studies examine past or ongoing peri-urban adaptation processes, but insight into future adaptation needs and aspirations of p ...


Planning for livelihoods under hydrosocial uncertainty in periurban Pune(Front. Water, (2022), 4, (831464), 10.3389/frwa.2022.831464)

In the published article, there was an error in the author list, and authors “Sharlene L. Gomes, Shreya Chakraborty, and Leon M. Hermans” were erroneously excluded. The corrected author list appears below. “Sarah Luft Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute for Geo ...

Power and empowerment in transdisciplinary research

A negotiated approach for peri-urban groundwater problems in the Ganges Delta

The co-creation of knowledge through a process of mutual learning between scientists and societal actors is an important avenue to advance science and resolve complex problems in society. While the value and principles for such transdisciplinary water research have been well esta ...
India’s urbanisation results in the physical and societal transformation of the areas sur-rounding cities. These periurban interfaces are spaces of flows, shaped by an exchange of matter, people and ideas between urban and rural spaces—and currently they are zones in transition. ...

Crossing the Frontiers

Transdisciplinary Research and the Negotiated Approach for Peri-Urban Groundwater Management in the Indo-Gangetic Delta

In this publication, we share our experiences with combining transdisciplinary research with the Negotiated Approached to address the challenges in groundwater management in peri-urban villages near Khulna, Bangladesh and near Kolkata, India. From 2014 – 2019, our team of researc ...

An Institutional Approach to Peri-Urban Water Problems

Supporting community problem solving in the peri-urban Ganges Delta

Water resources in the Ganges delta are undergoing drastic change as a result of urbanisation. Increasing demand for water due to urban expansion around cities like Kolkata (India) and Khulna (Bangladesh) is affecting groundwater access in nearby peri-urban communities. Peri-urba ...
Institutional work offers a promising lens for understanding institutional change, focusing on the efforts of actors in creating, maintaining or disrupting institutions. In this paper, we explore the capacity of a narrative approach to provide insights on institutional work, usin ...
The Ganges delta in Bangladesh is experiencing significant changes in its hydrological system as a result of urbanization. This is especially true in peri-urban areas near Khulna city where changing land use, economic activities, and population together impact the demand for grou ...
Peri-urban areas in the global south are experiencing over-exploitation and contamination of water resources as a result of rapid urbanisation. These problems relate to the ineffectiveness of the underlying institutions in this dynamic, multi-actor context. Institutions need to b ...

Institutional function and urbanization in Bangladesh

How peri-urban communities respond to changing environments

Urbanization processes are characterized by rapid change. The peri-urban context represents such a transition zone during urbanization. Here, change create new realities and new demands, for which existing institutions may no longer suffice. Yet institutions do not change easily, ...
Community operational research (COR) helps local stakeholders address complex messy problems related to public goods. Many of these problems feature an institutional dimension, whereby institutions refer to rules that structure behaviour and interactions in society. If a sound an ...
Transdisciplinary science transcends disciplinary boundaries. The reasons to engage in transdisciplinary science are many and include the desire to nurture a more direct relationship between science and society, as well as the desire to explain phenomena that cannot be explained ...
Urbanization creates challenges for water management in an evolving socio-economic context. This is particularly relevant in transitioning peri-urban areas like Khulna, Bangladesh where competing demands have put pressure on local groundwater resources. Users are unable to suffic ...