Circular Image

H.R. Schipper

63 records found

Smart buildings are equipped with automated control systems that provide a comfortable indoor environment, aiming simultaneously at energy savings. Control systems for shading devices applied in practice are mostly driven by a rule-based approach, that is usually tested under sim ...
This article presents the metric avoided carbon for the reuse of aluminium unitised curtain wall façades, that are to be taken from a donor building an applied onto a receiving building. The metric is used to compare seven proposed circular reuse strategies, each showing a differ ...

Bundeling van zonlicht door gekromde gevels

Een concreet probleemgeval onderzocht met parametrische tools, simulatie en controlemetingen

Wat te doen als je prachtige gekromde glazen gevel onverwacht als vergrootglas blijkt te werken? Het fenomeen, dat al enigszins bekend was van de beruchte “Walkie Talkie” in Londen, is al eens eerder beschreven in Bouwfysica in 2018 [1]. Helaas kon dat artikel niet voorkomen dat ...
In the Netherlands, the potential damage to the building stock due to subsidence phenomena has recently received increased awareness. However, evaluating and predicting damage to buildings in subsiding areas is a complex task that requires associating the vulnerability of exposed ...


Prerequisite Knowledge for Civil Engineering Master

This Jupyter Book aims to provide students with easy access to an overview of prerequisite knowledge needed to successfully start the MSc degree Civil Engineering at TU Delft. Students can check themselves whether they have the necessary prior knowledge, and estimate which subjec ...
The form freedom enabled by digital fabrication with concrete technologies provides advantages for a wide range of concrete based objects, from architectural to structural elements. The current chapter focuses on the specifics of structural design and engineering of DFC with emph ...
Low Temperature Heating (LTH) of buildings is a key feature when switching to renewable energy. Even when the capacity of LTH is high enough, LTH may adversely affect indoor thermal comfort in case buildings are not suitably insulated. This paper goes deeper into methodological i ...
The need for methods for forming concrete has existed for as long as concrete has been used in constructing the built environment. Creating flat, rectilinear formers have traditionally been the cost and time efficient default for the majority of applications. The desire for great ...
Unitized curtain walls are glazing facade systems widely used in modern architecture for mid and high rise buildings, due to their benefits in terms of lightness, quality control, ease of construction and quick installation. However, recent earthquake surveys have shown damages t ...
Digital Fabrication with Concrete (DFC) encompasses 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) and many other methods of production. DFC is emerging from an era of invention and demonstration to one where the merits of one principle over another needs to be quantified systematically. DFC techno ...
Construction robots are becoming more common in the Netherlands, but remain rarities in contexts aside from state-of-the-art factories owned by wealthy or technologically-orientated companies. In its current state, the construction industry would have to change significantly to m ...
The transition period between the mixing of concrete and the begin of setting increasingly receives attention, as special production processes can be developed with tailor-made fresh state characteristics. In this publication the two processes of 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) and t ...
The exploitation of geo-resources in the northern part of the Netherlands (Groningen region) is triggering shallow earthquakes, rising the need of assessing the current building stock. Being the region not prone to tectonic earthquakes, buildings are designed as wind-resistant sy ...
This paper proposes a photogrammetric procedure able to determine out-of-plane movements experienced by a masonry structure subjected to a quasi-static cyclic test. The method tracks the movement of circular targets by means of a coarse-to-fine strategy. These targets were captur ...
Vulnerability of buildings to natural and man-induced hazards has become a main concern for our society. Ensuring their serviceability, safety and sustainability is of vital importance and the main reason for setting up monitoring systems to detect damages at an early stage. In t ...

Parametrisch-geometrische modellen

Voor beoordeling van zonreflecties en andere bouwfysica-vraagstukken

Innovatieve software komt regelmatig op de markt, maar Rhinoceros-Grasshopper heeft een compleet nieuwe wereld aan mogelijkheden ontsloten. Ook voor de bouwfysicus is dit zeer relevant. Doordat gebruik wordt gemaakt van een intuïtieve, parametrische en grafische programmeertaal, ...
In recent years induced seismicity in the Netherlands considerably increased. This phenomenon has a wide impact on the built environment, which is mainly composed by unreinforced masonry (URM) structures. These buildings were not designed for seismic loading, and present peculiar ...
Double-curved structures in general, and monolithic concrete shell structures more specifically, can transfer forces very efficiently. As a result, the thickness-to-span ratio can be very low, which, material-wise, can lead to a very economical design. However, the construction o ...

Innovative Ways of Dealing with Existing Problems

How to reliably Assess the Cause of Damage of Masonry Structures in an Area with Man-induced Earthquakes?

Groningen, a province in the northern part of the Netherlands, suffers from earthquakes because of gas drilling. The residential building stock in Groningen was not designed for these loads. Over the years a lot of smaller and larger damage has developed, possibly - but not neces ...