S. Grunewald

143 records found

There is a need to develop innovative repair materials which can overcome the challenges of cement-based repair mortars being relatively prone to shrinkage effects. In practice, free shrinkage of repair mortar is often considered as an indicator for potential cracking and delamin ...
Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) is an advanced cementitious composite with high compressive strength and low permeability. Due to its excellent mechanical properties and superior durability, UHPFRC is considered promising for strengthening of the existin ...
The form freedom enabled by digital fabrication with concrete technologies provides advantages for a wide range of concrete based objects, from architectural to structural elements. The current chapter focuses on the specifics of structural design and engineering of DFC with emph ...

Printable Cement-Based Materials

Fresh Properties Measurements and Control

Digital fabrication with cementitious materials is a rapidly growing field of research in which the evolution of strength during the various processes, such as 3D printing, is the key controlling parameter. The strength evolves over multiple orders of magnitude during the process ...
Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) is, due to its superior mechanical properties and low permeability, a promising material for the restoration and improvement of the mechanical resistance and durability of existing Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures. This ...
Strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) have a high tensile strength and display a remarkable strain-hardening behaviour. These unique characteristics make them an interesting choice for improving the strength and durability of new and existing structures. The tensile str ...
Recent developments in concrete technology with high potential include ultra high performance concrete and self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete, which have a flowable consistency and can transport relatively high fibre dosages. Flowability is achieved by adopted mix design a ...

Self-compacting high-performance fiber concrete for foundations

Part 1 -experimental verification and design considerations

An investigation is carried out into the applicability of self-compacting high-performance fiber concrete (HPFC) in foundations. A concrete mixture has been designed with a concrete cube strength of about 110 MPa. The concrete contains 60 kg/m3 steel fibers. The proper ...
The fib Model Codes aim at integrating in a single document the relevant knowledge for the structural design with concrete. Fibre reinforced concrete is already integrated in fib Model Code 2010 (fib MC2010) as a general category of materials. The group of flowable concrete consi ...
A high performance fibre concrete with a cylinder strength of about 80 MPa was developed and tested both under laboratory and site conditions. The post-cracking properties were determined in a series of three-point notched beam tests according to EN 14651. Subsequently, double pu ...

Self-compacting high-performance fiber concrete for foundations

Part 2—Fiber orientation and distribution

An investigation was executed into the applicability of self-compacting high performance fiber concrete in foundations. The applied concrete has a concrete cube strength of about 110 MPa and contains 60 kg/m3 hooked-end steel fibers (LF = 30  ...
The transition period between the mixing of concrete and the begin of setting increasingly receives attention, as special production processes can be developed with tailor-made fresh state characteristics. In this publication the two processes of 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) and t ...
Most of the bridges and viaducts in the Netherlands were built in the sixties and seventies of the last century, and an increasing number of them will have to be replaced due to technical or functional reasons. The Netherlands is not an exception, many industrialized countries wi ...
Discrete fibres have been added to concrete to improve its performance. Besides the post-cracking strength also other performance aspects can be enhanced. Fibre Reinforced SCC (FRSCC) and less flowable fibre concretes form the general group of fibre concrete. FRSCC distinguishes ...
This paper investigates the influence of a plasticizing admixture on the pore structure refinement of alkali-activated concrete and paste mixtures and the consequently enhanced performance. Alkali-activated fly ash-slag concrete and paste are designed using a polycarboxylate-base ...

Deliberate Deformation of Concrete in the Fresh State

Crack Risk and Efficient Production of Curved Precast Elements

The production of double-curved precast concrete elements for cladding or shell structures requires expensive CNC (computer numerical control)-milled formwork. As an alternative method, the innovative flexible mould for economically efficient and sustainable production of such el ...
During the production of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) clinker a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted. To improve the sustainability of concrete production, many studies were carried out to evaluate alternative binders for OPC. The use of alkali-activated cementitious material ...
Double-curved structures in general, and monolithic concrete shell structures more specifically, can transfer forces very efficiently. As a result, the thickness-to-span ratio can be very low, which, material-wise, can lead to a very economical design. However, the construction o ...
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has many advantages compared to vibrated concrete. A disadvantage is the lower robustness of fresh SCC. SCC is more sensitive to small changes in the mix design, material properties, and the applied production methods. In an experimental program, th ...