D.A. Hordijk
63 records found
Most of the bridges and viaducts in the Netherlands were built in the sixties and seventies of the last century, and an increasing number of them will have to be replaced due to technical or functional reasons. The Netherlands is not an exception, many industrialized countries wi
As an important aspect in the asset management of the existing concrete bridges, a proper evaluation of the conditions of the concrete, especially the width and the distribution of cracks in the concrete structure turns out to be rather important. Conventional approaches usually
This paper presents an experimental study on the development of material properties over time (up to around 2 years) and the structural behavior of reinforced beams, for two types of alkali-activated concrete (AAC). Compressive strength, flexural strength, tensile splitting stren
This paper presents a comparative study based on a thorough beam bending test.The intention is to obtain the relationship between the nominal elastic wave velocity obtained from Acoustic Emission tomography analysis and the physical damage of the RC beam in terms of crack opening
The sustainability of infrastructure projects is becoming increasingly important issue in engineering practice. This means that in the future the construction materials will be selected on the basis of the contribution they can make to reach sustainability requirements. Geopolyme
Proof load testing of existing reinforced concrete bridges is becoming increasingly important as the current bridge stock is aging. In a proof load test, a load that corresponds to the factored live load is applied to a bridge structure, to directly demonstrate that a bridge fulf
In a proof load test, a load representative of the factored live load is applied to the bridge. Since the applied load is large, stop criteria are important. Stop criteria for shear and flexure are proposed based on existing codes and guidelines, laboratory experiments, and theor
With the recent developments in modelling the shear behaviour of reinforcement concrete (RC) members without transverse reinforcement, the contribution of aggregate interlock has been more and more recognized as one of the critical components in the shear resistance of RC members
Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) is an innovative material which, due to the special material composition and the addition of fibres, exhibits a controlled microcracking behaviour under tensile stresses. As such it might be a promising material for improvement of du
In the Netherlands, existing bridges are being assessed to investigate whether they are still capable to resist current and future traffic loads. Bridges that are compiled of single span prestressed girders, appear to have insufficient resistance to diagonal tension cracking. Thi
This chapter describes the proof load testing of viaduct Zijlweg at a position that is critical for bending moment and at a position that is critical for shear. The viaduct Zijlweg has cracking caused by alkali-silica reaction, and the effect of material degradation on the capaci
Existing bridges with large uncertainties can be assessed with a proof load test. In a proof load test, a load representative of the factored live load is applied to the bridge at the critical position. If the bridge can carry this load without distress, the proof load test shows
In the Netherlands, existing bridges are being assessed to investigate whether they are still capable to resist current and future traffic loads. A part of these bridges consists of prestressed I-and T-shaped girders with a low shear reinforcement ratio. This ratio is low because
Interaction of ultrasonic waves with partially-closed surface-breaking cracks in concrete structures has been studied. Measurements have been conducted on a reinforced concrete beam containing various mechanical-load-induced cracks and compared with the baseline measurements at t
This paper presents a development of a ductile alkali-activated fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) based composite as an environmentally friendly material for structural concrete application. For this purpose, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibres and sand aggr
In a proof load test, a load corresponding to the factored live load is applied to a bridge, to directly demonstrate that a bridge fulfils the code requirements. The case of viaduct De Beek, a four-span reinforced concrete slab bridge that did not fulfil the requirements for bend
Modern society and infrastructure are facing an increased demand for fast construction. A number of viaducts are aged and will need to be replaced in near future. When considering this replacement task, lightweight, slender bridge is the solution. Dead load reduction and high-str
Nowadays, finite element analyses provide information about the performance of a structure, but they are more or less simplified. Therefore, load tests are the only way to find the “real” behavior of an existing bridge subjected to the rating process. In this paper, the state-of-
When designing a concrete structure, a structural engineer often assumes that it is initially free of stresses and cracks. Serviceability limit state analyses are therefore often carried out only taking into account the structure’s self weight and the other imposed loads. As a re