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M.A.N. Hendriks

180 records found

Many existing concrete structures require effective assessment of the bearing capacity. A critical failure mode is shear, especially for concrete structures without or with limited shear reinforcement. The shear failure is brittle and often leads to loss of property and lives. Th ...
The authors regret that the original publication of this paper did not assign the correct affiliations to R.D.J.M. Steenbergen. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.@en
As infrastructure continues to age and traffic levels intensify, there is a growing need for efficient methods to verify the reliability of many existing structures. Field testing offers the possibility to assess the current condition of a structure. Specifically, in a proof load ...
Despite the low probability of occurrence, fire events are a major hazard for structures, which can lead to severe socio-economic impact. Although reinforced concrete (RC) tunnels are an important component in transportation infrastructure, their structural behaviour under high t ...
In the Netherlands, there are about 70 prestressed T-girder bridges with cast-inbetween decks, constructed post-WorldWar II.While they have low ratings upon assessment, inspections reveal no distress. This research aims to understand the structural behavior of the full system com ...
This paper proposes a new mechanical model to describe the dowel action with the aim of using the model to gain a deeper understanding of the unstable dowel splitting cracking observed in shear experiments of beams without shear reinforcement. The model was developed by combining ...
As the existing bridge stock is ageing in various parts of the world, the topic of how to assess, maintain and/or improve, and manage existing bridges becomes increasingly important. Existing bridges may be designed according to outdated codes with requirements that may be consid ...
Assessment of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures after an earthquake is a challenging task that must somehow relate qualitative and quantitative observations in the plastic hinge regions and the associated residual deformation capacity of damaged structures. Having an e ...
When employing the strut-and-tie modelling (STM) method in the conceptual design of reinforced concrete structures, a suitable strut-and-tie (ST) model indicating load transfer mechanisms first needs to be identified. Topology optimization (TO) methods have frequently been used f ...
Proof load testing for assessment can involve a large risk due to the high loads. Stop criteria can reduce this risk. Stop criteria are necessary for shear, which is a brittle failure mode. This paper describes the development of shear stop criteria for slab strips. The shear sto ...
Dowel action is recognized as one of the major shear resistance mechanisms. Although the dowel action only contributes a relatively small portion of the total shear resistance, the shear failure of reinforced concrete members without shear reinforcement usually occurs accompanied ...
To date, there is no comprehensive approach available that can explicitly model the complete transient waveforms of acoustic emissions (AE) induced by fracture processes in brittle and quasi-brittle materials like concrete. The complexity of AE modelling arises from the intricate ...
As the existing bridge stock is aging, assessment of existing bridges becomes increasingly important. In the Netherlands, the shear capacity of reinforced concrete slab bridges is found to be insufficient. In particular, the shear and punching shear capacity of reinforced concret ...
Major fire events in tunnels have shown severe consequences in their structural performance, as reported in several incidents in the last decades. Particularly, due to the enclos-ure geometry of tunnels, intense thermal loading may develop in comparison to typical fires in buildi ...
A major challenge of infrastructure management is to predict the remaining capacity of degrading structures and safely prolong their lifetime. In reinforced concrete (RC) structures, concrete cracking has a significant effect on durability and stiffness properties. Structural int ...
Given the ageing infrastructure, verifying the reliability of existing structures is crucial. Field testing presents a viable approach to evaluating a structure’s current condition, particularly proof load testing. In a proof load test, a large load is applied to assess its relia ...
The cracking of the pre-/post-casting UHPC joint in the steel-UHPC composite bridge deck system can lead to continuous tensile damage in the UHPC layer, reducing its ability to stiffen the steel deck. This study aims to clarify the cracking mechanism of the segmented-casting UHPC ...
Coda wave interferometry (CWI) holds promise as a technique for concrete stress monitoring. This is because the coda, which consists of multiply scattered arrivals, is the result of propagation through the medium over large distances. As such, it is sensitive to both minute struc ...
Monitoring or identifying structural cracks is crucial for assessing the health of existing concrete structures. Key information about structural cracking encompasses the location of the crack and its kinematics, which include movements perpendicular and parallel to the crack fac ...
Frost salt scaling of concrete is related to cyclic freezing and melting of a few millimeter thick deicer solution on the surface of the concrete. It is almost absent when pure water is freezing and reaches a maximum at a so-called pessimum concentration that for NaCl is around 3 ...